Chapter 30

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Lena and Kara spend the rest of the day in Lena's tent, enjoying the perks of their newfound relationship (kissing). A couple times they part to laugh because Kara will start floating, once or twice for Kara to circle the camp to make sure their prisoners aren't causing trouble, and a few times to cuddle on the bed and talk.

That's Kara's second favorite thing they do (kissing Lena is her favorite, of course). Lena tells her a bit more about her childhood and what it was like growing up as a Luthor. She ends up telling Lena more about Krypton than she has told anyone aside from Alex. Kara hasn't even told Kal-El most of what she tells her. He has an idealized version of Krypton in his mind, created by what Jor-El, his father, told him with the hologram he sent with him. She doesn't want to burst his bubble.

Kara can't express her gratitude with words because she loves how Lena listens, really listens, to what she tells her. So instead of fumbling over words that won't do what she wants them to, she kisses Lena, pouring every ounce of the emotions she feels into it. Lena, surprised by the force of the kiss, is pushed backwards onto her back. They don't part until someone calls for their attention outside.

"Your Highness?" A voice asks hesitantly.

Lena and Kara pull away from each other. Lena, now on top, rests her forehead against the dazed Kryptonian's.

"Yes?" She responds, her voice raspier than she would like.

"Dinner for you and Lady Kara has been prepared. Would you like me to bring it in?"

"Wait one moment, please." Lena says calmly, getting off of Kara and standing up.

She runs her hands through her hair, trying to make it not look like Kara has spent the last hour running her fingers through it. Lena straightens her clothes and holds her head up high as she opens the flaps to the tent. The guard doesn't seem to notice anything out of the ordinary about her appearance, or if he does he doesn't mention it. He steps inside and stops in his tracks when he sees Kara sitting on Lena's bed.

She must have used her super speed to make herself more presentable. Lena doesn't have the heart to tell her that she has her lipstick on her neck.

The guard clears his throat and avoids eye contact. "My apologies for interrupting. I'll just leave this here." With that, he practically flees.

Lena shakes her head, laughing quietly. Kara gives her an inquisitive look. "Darling, you missed a bit of lipstick on your neck."

Kara's eyes go comically wide and she smacks her hand to the side of her neck, blushing deeply. "Oh Rao."


"They'll be here tomorrow." Maggie murmurs.

Alex hums in acknowledgement, cuddling closer to her.

She and Alex are snuggled up next to each other in Alex's bed. They've been spending even more time together lately. James has even joked that they're attached at the hip, which Lucy found hilarious and gave them a knowing look.

At first, it was partly a way to keep Alex from going crazy worrying about Kara. But it evolved pretty quickly into bonding. Alex can honestly say this is the fastest she has ever opened up to someone, the fastest she has ever trusted someone, the fastest she has ever lov- Alex always cuts herself off when that word enters her mind. It's too soon, right? They haven't even known each other for a month. It's too soon for her to feel like this, too soon for Maggie to return her feelings. Isn't it?

Since they're partners, it's become almost laughably easy to spend basically every second of the day with each other. At first, of course, they were hesitant about it. Both of them silently worried about the other getting bored of being with them. That was weighing heavily on their minds until they talk about it and reassured each other.

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