Chapter 66

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Kara happily pushes Maxwell Lord into the uncomfortable metal chair of the interrogation room as the agent stands nearby, carefully watching their interaction. The agent knows that if anything happens to Kara, they'll have the wrath of the Queen and Sir Alex Danvers unleashed upon them. Not to mention the fact that Princess Kara is now dating Queen Lena. They don't want to find out what would happen should Lord hurt her.

Kara carefully cuffs Maxwell to the chain under the table, just tight enough to be uncomfortable but loose enough to give the illusion of slight freedom. She gives him her best glare as she leaves the room but his smug face doesn't waver.

The agent shuts the door and stands guard outside it. Kara thanks them by name, smiling at them and their surprised expression before she heads to the room behind the interrogation room.

Alex, Lena, and Maggie are all watching Maxwell intently. Maggie and Alex are standing next to each other, unconsciously mimicking each other's pose, which Kara finds adorable. They're both standing up tall with their hands held together behind their back, an offensive position.

Kara walks over next to Lena, who's focus is still on Maxwell. Kara drags her eyes away from her beautiful girlfriend and to the man in the other room.

He sits still, an almost impassive expression on his face. But even Kara, who's not trained in reading facial expressions like the three women around her, can tell he's not comfortable. He shifts pretty often, like he's trying to get comfortable on the crappy chair she put him on. He glances at the door every so often, impatiently waiting for the interview to start.

After a couple more minutes, Alex and Maggie exchange a glance and nod to each other. They leave the room after Alex gives Kara a hug. They head into the interrogation room. At the sound of the doorknob turning, Maxwell's head snaps up but he looks back straight, rearranging his expression so he looks bored.

His eyebrow twitches up in surprise and distaste when Alex doesn't come in alone. He leans forward, eyeing Maggie with curiosity as he looks her up and down in a way that makes Alex want to step in front of to block his view.

"And who's this?" He asks.

"I am Sir Maggie Sawyer, Alex's partner." Maggie introduces.

"Another woman knight?" He sneers, looking her up and down again. He squints at her. "Partner, you say? What do you mean by that? Partner in crime, partner as in dating..." Maxwell trails off.

Maggie exchanges a quick glance with Alex, making certain it's okay to tell him. They had talked about it behind the tinted glass while Lena pretended not to listen, discussing whether they were comfortable with him knowing the true nature of their relationship.

"I'm Alex's partner both professionally and romantically." Maggie tells him.

"Ah, a conflict of interest in the DEO. Never thought I would see the day when Alexandra would be dating a coworker. And her partner, even. Does John know?" He asks with a smirk.

"You know it's J'onn." Alex corrects him, narrowing her eyes in annoyance. "He can read minds, and we told him. Yes, he knows."

Maxwell just hums in response and Alex reminds herself that he's crazy in order to calm herself and not punch him.

"Well, I guess now I know why you never went out with me. I wasn't..." He pauses and looks Maggie up and down in a way that makes everyone but him uncomfortable (which he happens to be very good at). "Feminine enough."

Alex snorts, letting some of her temper come out. "Maxwell, I wouldn't date you if you were the second most beautiful woman in the universe."

"Oh, but if I was the first most beautiful?" Maxwell asks, his smirk back as he leans forward.

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