Chapter 80

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(Warning! Lillian sucks as a human being and adoptive mother, and all that stuff that goes with it! Like mentioning killing Lena! Child abuse! Name calling (like bastard)! Slut shaming! Also abuse of power and mention of rape (sorry, I made Lionel a douche)! If this chapter is something you can't read for any reason, but want to know the vague plot, please contact me :)

It takes a harsh look from both Lena and Kara to make certain that the others agents stay outside. Kara knows that Alex will kick her ass, superhero or not, if/when she finds this out. But she knows that this is something she and Lena need to do alone.

Kara holds open the door for Lena, who walks in with her crossbow drawn. There's a large mahogany desk in the middle of the room, facing the door. The black leather chair is turned around and Lena can't tell if anyone's sitting in it. The chair's back is too wide and too tall for Lena to see around.

Kara comes in behind her, closing the door slowly behind her so it doesn't make a loud sound. Kara nods to Lena, knowing her girlfriend will know what she means. There is someone in that chair, and that someone is Lillian Luthor. Lena's heart beats wildly. She hasn't been around her for so long. She keeps her breathing even and her expression calm, waiting for something, anything to break.

Once the door quietly closes, the chair slowly spins around to reveal an unimpressed Lillian. She looks between Lena and Kara with impassive eyes, her lips twitching downward in distaste. A child she took in and raised as her own, grown up to become... this. This woman, who banished her from the Kingdom she loved and has forsaken her own brother. This woman, not just allied with an alien, but in love with one.

"I didn't think you would get this far, this fast. But I am always prepared." Lillian says coldly.

Lena and Kara watch as Lillian reaches into one of her drawers and pulls out a revolver. Lena blinks in surprise. A gun? Guns are rare, expensive, and hard to get. Though she should really not be surprised than Lillian managed to get one. She has always been rather resourceful.

Kara scans the gun with her X-ray vision and looks over at Lena in concern. Lena meets her gaze and knows immediately why her girlfriend looks so sad, so worried. It's loaded, and they both can see that it's pointed at Lena, not at Kara.

"You... Even you wouldn't shoot your daughter." Kara says, trying to sound more confident than she feels.

"Yes she would." Lena answers, not taking her eyes away from Lillian. "She has never considered me her daughter. Killing me would be like killing some leech that has been feeding off of her family for years. According to her, at least."

Lillian raises one eyebrow slightly. "You remember that."

"It's hard to forget when the woman who's taken you in likens you to a bloodsucking creature and tells you how easy it would be to kill you." Lena says coolly.

Lillian hums, unfazed. "Well, it is true, Lena. Whether you like it or not. You are not my daughter."

Lena sighs in frustration. "I know, you've been drilling that into my head since I was four."

"Let me finish, child." Lillian snarls and Lena shuts her mouth and straightens her back automatically. "You're not my daughter, Lena. But you are Lionel's."

Lena's eyes widen and her mouth drops open slightly. Whatever she expected her mother to say, it certainly wasn't that.

"I... What?" Lena asks, her voice shaking.

"You're not mine, you're Lionel's. You, Lena, are his bastard daughter." Lillian says, her tone cold as ice.

Kara reaches over and slowly, gently presses a hand to Lena's back. Her heart breaks into a million tiny little pieces when Lena winces at the touch before melting into it.

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