Chapter 84

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After the second explosion, everyone's on edge and even more exhausted. It doesn't take long for J'onn to order everyone to just stay around here and rest. They'll be moving again in a couple of hours to the rendezvous point with the backup agents, but right now, they need to rest.

He has volunteers watch the prisoners and the night to make certain they're not attacked again. His "space daughters" (and step-space daughters) all insist on him getting rest. He complies on the condition that they do too. To his surprise, they do. So he keeps up his side of the deal and sits with his back against a tree and closes his eyes.

The night is cold, so to stay warm Lena, Kara, Alex, and Maggie all cuddle up on the ground together with Kara's cape laid over them like a blanket. They sleep in that order, with Maggie and Lena on the outside (but still warm beneath the cape) and the Danvers sisters in the middle. Though the sisters both argued for their girlfriends being in the middle, Lena appealed to their sense of logic with this setup. This way, Maggie can cuddle with Alex, and Lena can cuddle with Kara. And Kara can cuddle with Alex, too.

When they finally conceded, they both urged their girlfriends to tell them if they're cold, so they'll switch. Especially since Kara technically doesn't need anything to keep warm. When Kara points that out, Lena argues that she can be their built-in furnace.

"Now that we have that figured out, can we please nap?" Maggie grumbles, blinking tiredly.

Alex nods and tugs Maggie closer. She hums and rests her head on Alex's shoulder, her arm draped over her stomach. They all shift for the first minute or so, trying to get comfortable, and then settle down. It's easy for them to fall asleep, with the warmth of the blanket (and Kara), as well as the comfort of being by each other.


Lena wakes up to someone gently tapping her shoulder. She sighs in distaste and cuddles closer to Kara. Whoever it is can go away, she's comfortable and still tired.

"Lena." Maggie says.

Lena opens her eyes at the familiar voice. She blinks the effects of sleep away and waits for her tired eyes to focus. Maggie is out from underneath the cape, kneeling beside her, and now Lena realizes most people are standing, looking slightly less exhausted than before.

Lena yawns and taps Kara, who's in one of her deep sleeps where it's really difficult to wake her up. Kara mumbles something about wanting more puppies and continues sleeping.

"Kara." She says quietly, knowing that even asleep Kara will respond to her voice. Kara's head twitches towards Lena and she hums, her eyebrows scrunching. "Kara, darling. Wake up."

At that last sentence, Kara's eyes snap open and she sits up, her eyes wide as she looks around. "What? Huh? What happened?"

Lena, used to Kara's antics, sits up from where she was forcefully (and accidentally) moved when Kara sat upwards quickly, without regard for her super strength. She ignores the chuckles of Maggie and Alex nearby. She puts a hand on Kara's shoulder and she turns to Lena, her eyes wide with worry.

"What happened? Who do I have to punch?" Kara asks.

Lena chuckles softly and kisses Kara's cheek, loving how the action still makes her blush.

"You don't have to punch anyone, darling. It's just time to get up." Lena explains.

Kara grins sheepishly. "Right. I knew that."

Lena takes Kara's hand in hers. "I'm sure. Come on, darling. We need to get moving. See Winn again."

Kara's eyes brighten and she grins. "Oh yeah! I hope he's doing okay."

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