Chapter 72

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"I've lost knights before." Alex points out.

Maggie hums and reaches out to take Alex's hand. "Maybe so, but this time it's different. Your girlfriend is going to be fighting by your side. So is you sister, and the girl who's practically your stepsister, Lena. Then there's knights who are your friends. This is going to be a big, messy battle. We're going to take down Cadmus, and who knows what they're up to, what they're doing."

"Are you trying to make me worried?" Alex questions.

"Not really. I'm trying to help you understand that it's okay to not be okay." Maggie murmurs, squeezing Alex's hand.

Alex sighs softly. "I'm going to be a worried mess out on that battlefield, aren't I?"

"You won't be the only one." Maggie promises. "Hopefully it'll mean you will fight ten times harder than usual. And the knights and agents of the DEO, they're pretty good at determining when that happens. That means they'll fight ten times harder too, because we all know that everyone has someone to go home to."

"I hope you're right." Alex sighs.

"I hope so too. I don't want to lose anybody." Maggie murmurs softly.

She speaks quietly, but Alex hears her anyway and scoots closer to her so they can cuddle. Alex rests her head on Maggie's shoulder and lets go of her hand so she can drape her arm over Maggie's stomach and hold Maggie's other hand.

Alex can feel how Maggie's body moves as she chuckles. "You're extra cuddly tonight, huh?" Maggie remarks, moving her unoccupied hand to tangle in Alex's short hair.

Alex hums contently as her girlfriend runs her fingers through Alex's hair. "I feel like we both need it. Especially since I can tell you aren't done with talking about all that yet."

Maggie grins. She knows her so well. She just wishes they had more fun things to talk about, like getting a puppy, or debating how many potstickers Kara can fit in her face at one time.

"Yeah. I just want to talk about two more things, and one will hopefully be slightly less difficult to talk about. Maybe." Maggie says hesitantly.

"That's reassuring," Alex teases, kissing Maggie's shoulder.

Maggie moves her shoulder up slightly in order to jostle Alex for the teasing remark, laughing when her girlfriend lets out a surprised squeak.

"Now I get to ruin the cute moment of you squeaking with a fun discussion starter." Maggie says, knowing she has her girlfriend's undivided attention. "I want to make sure we both know that we're probably slash definitely going to have to kill people. They're going to be bad, xenophobic people, but people nonetheless."

"I have killed before. It doesn't get any easier, though." Alex sighs.

"I would be worried if it did." Maggie admits. "You may have killed, as have most of the knights. And Lena, from what I've heard. But Kara hasn't. I don't know if she would."

"Me neither," Alex admits. "I'm her sister, and I know she's good at fighting and likes it. But I don't know if she will be okay with killing someone, even someone bad. Unless, of course, someone she loves is in danger." Alex sighs. "She's seen enough death, enough destruction. Lived through enough. I don't think she would like to cause someone else the pain of losing someone they love, even if that person is a Cadmus agent."

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