Chapter 17

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Alex's eyebrows shoot up in shock but she doesn't let her surprise stop her from thoroughly enjoying this. She reaches up to gently cup Maggie's face and pulls her even closer.

It's a slow kiss and it's nothing like any of the other kisses Alex has had. Well, the only other ones were either with men or hidden away so no one would see. This is so wonderfully different and Alex wonders if this is what Kara feels like when she flies.

Maggie only pulls back from Alex when their lungs are screaming for air. She rests her forehead against Alex's, grinning at how dazed the other girl looks.

When Alex can breathe enough to get the words out, she speaks. "So... you're saying you like me?" Maggie chuckles and Alex grins, loving her dimples even more when she's the cause of them. "That's... That's what I got."

"Of course." Maggie cocks her head at Alex in that way that makes her gay brain turn to mush. "You're not going to go crazy on me, are you?"

Alex nods, still smiling. "Probably, yeah."

She's looking at Maggie with a soft expression that makes her breath hitch. Alex runs her fingers through Maggie's hair, gently pulling her back towards her.

Their lips meet again and Alex is glad she's leaning back against her door because holy crap, this is what kissing someone is supposed to feel like. It has never felt like this before, not even with the laughably small amount of women she has kissed. It has always been hurried, stolen kisses in the backs of bars without any emotional connection.

The next time their lips pull apart, Alex is the one to pull back. Maggie gives her a concerned look and starts to pull away to give her space but Alex's hand on her waist keeps her from going too far.

"Hey, so. Um. Do you want to maybe go to the bar sometime? Shoot some pool?" Alex asks nervously.

Maggie does that adorable head cocking thing again. "Danvers, are you asking me out?"

"Um. Yes?"

Maggie chuckles again and quickly kisses Alex again, making her relax slightly. "Alex, we just spent the last ten minutes making out. Yes, I want to go on a date with you. And be prepared to lose at pool."

Alex's confidence shoots back up at the confirmation. "Lose? Oh you're going down, Sawyer. I'll have you know I am the best pool player in all of National City."

"Really?" Maggie leans in closer so their lips brush again.

"Mm-hmm. There was a tournament, which I won." Alex murmurs in response.

"Well then." Maggie rests her hands above Alex's waist, making her partner flustered all over again. "I guess you'll have to teach me how to be better, Danvers."

Alex ignores the blush on her cheeks and leans in again, closing the distance and kissing Maggie. They get lost in each other for a while until Alex gets seriously tempted to drag her into her room. Maggie can tell she's hesitant and kisses her quickly and sweetly.

"So Danvers. When's our date?" She asks, her voice a few octaves lower than normal.

"Tomorrow night at eight. It's just the alien bar, so it's nothing fancy."

"Alright. See you in the morning, Danvers." Maggie says, unable to keep from kissing Alex one more time before she backs away a few steps.

"It is morning, Sawyer." Alex points out, smiling when Maggie groans. "See you in a couple of hours."

Alex opens the door behind her, continuing to look at Maggie. Her hair is messed up from Alex running her hand through it and she turns away before she marches over there and kisses her again.

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