Chapter 100!

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By the time Alex gets to the end of the song, there's not a dry eye around. Lena has an arm wrapped around Kara's waist, holding her close as Kara cries with happiness. Kara's head is resting on her shoulder as she listens to her sister.

Kara has to admit, Alex did a wonderful job and she's really impressed. Traditional Kryptonian songs are longer than a majority of songs here, not to mention the prowess needed with the voice in order to sing it. She has heard some of the best Kryptonian singers stumble over traditional songs like this one ten times as often as Alex did. Not to mention how difficult it is for humans to learn and speak Kryptonese properly, which she knows from experience from teaching Alex (who thought it was difficult, and she's brilliant, so it really is).

Kara has asked why it was so difficult for Alex, especially since she knows Alex has managed to learn a few other languages without nearly as much trouble. Apparently, it involves moving your mouth and tongue in vastly different ways than she's used to, even with all the languages she knows.

Once the last, long note rings out and silence is left behind. The quiet feels like the cold, shocking like she's just spent an hour sitting in front of a fire and then stepped outside into the cool night air.

Kara can't sit still where she is anymore and is gone in a flash, startling everyone as she practically tackles Alex in a hug. She pulls her up into one as tight as she can make it without hurting her sister. Alex lets out a soft "oof" and hugs her back tightly as well. Kara whispers thank yous into Alex's shoulder and Alex rubs at Kara's back.

Kara sniffles and pulls back slightly, still not letting go. "Why are you all staring? Get in here, you dorks!"

She outstretches one arm and looks around her, beaming at everyone. It's Winn that gets up first.

He throws up his arm, tears still streaming down his face but he's grinning. "Group hug!!"

With that, people begin getting up and joining in on the hug. Lena's the first to reach them and wraps one arm around each sister.

"Thank you for doing that," she murmurs to Alex as people begin to pile in around her. For once, being forced so close to people doesn't make the acid in her stomach churn with anxiety.

"It wasn't just me," Alex deflects.

"It was mainly you, Danvers." Maggie says from where she's pressed up against Alex and Kara in the group hug.

Alex flushes further when Maggie kisses her cheek, making Kara and Lena laugh.

"What? I'm too far away in this group hug to see what's funny." Winn's disembodied voice comes from somewhere.

"Alex wouldn't take a compliment at first, and then blushed harder when Maggie kissed her cheek." Lena says.

Kara laughs when the people around them go "aww."

Kara's smile turns into a wistful one. "I'm really going to miss you guys."

"We're really going to miss you guys too," Vasquez says.

Lena tries not to show how surprised she is that they included her in that sentence. That they'll miss her as well as Kara. She's still struggling with the knowledge that people openly want to have her around. Not to mention the fact that they'll actually miss her when she's not there. She feels Kara's hand rubbing circles on her back and knows that her girlfriend could tell.

It feels like a hush goes over them all, like a breeze sucking whatever happiness they were feeling. The truth of what will be happening tomorrow morning, in less than twelve hours, hits them all almost simultaneously. It's then that moment, Lena lets herself acknowledge that she's actually going to miss being around these people. These people that have welcomed her into their family, into their lives.

The group hug breaks apart and they all sit around the fire again, this time huddled closer together. Lena cuddles up against Kara, yawning quietly.

"I think we should all start telling some of our favorite memories," Eliza suggests.

"That's a good idea! Ooh, I know mine." Kara says immediately, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "Last night, Lena and I won against Alex and Maggie."

"What?" Vasquez sounds shocked. "Did seeing each other bend over the table to shoot distract you?"

"No, Kara and I are just better. We won two out of three." Lena says, smirking at Maggie and Alex, who are both blushing at Vasquez's suggestion.

"It was a going away present, letting you win against us," Alex protests.

"Alex, you wouldn't let us win even if it was Kara's Earth Day," Lena shoots back.

"Ooh, harsh. But true," Winn admits. "She didn't let me win when it was my birthday."

"Winn, you nearly hit me in the face with the cue ball and the stick on three separate occasions. You hit the eight ball in after two minutes." Alex reminds him. "You almost hit me three times during a two minute game, Winn."

"That's impressive," Vasquez says. "And now I know who to play pool against if I'm having a bad day."

"Just wear a helmet and fully padded gear, like for training." Alex suggests.

Maggie changes the subject, trying to get it back to what it was originally supposed to be. "One of my favorite moments was when I watched Little Danvers devour an entire cake in the span of a couple minutes. Oh, and Lena's face as she watched her."

"It was both disgusting and impressive," Lena says.

They continue to go around, talking about favorite moments and Lena's surprised by how many she's included in. Or when Alex promises to show her pictures of that time Kara tried to bake and ended up covered in flour. Honestly, Lena's given up trying not to cry and so has everyone else. Some stories are tinged with a sadness that seems to spread throughout everyone around, some that are hilarious that make people cry from laughter. And for Lena, some that make her cry because they're just stories about her, some even without Kara. Those make her dry the hardest, but no one mentions it (which Lena appreciates).

Can y'all believe I actually sat down and planned some stuff out?? Wild, right? I mean, I did that instead of going to a party (but I've ever been to party like that with kids my age plus alcohol, and I'm not a party person...) and spent like a good two or three hours planning stuff out for my books, which I'm proud of! Also it's insane that we've hit 100 chapters now... 0.0 it feels like just yesterday I was like "oh my god, Supergirl, but... Medieval" and ran with it! Thank you for supporting me through this! I'll continue to crank out chapters until this book is done! Anyway, next chapter, depending on if I decide to draw things out, will probably have them leaving or beginning to leave! And it's going to be sad! Thank you all for reading and for your amazing comments! Stay awesome!

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