Chapter 159

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Maggie and Alex walk away from the DEO after one final briefing from J'onn. They insist on leaving alone, and not having guards trail them. They're trying to make this look natural, and that's what Maggie and Alex would have done no matter what, walked alone in the crowd. Regardless of if there are guards specifically with them, there are a ton all around the city where they'll be, both in their uniforms and in plainclothes. J'onn relents quicker than they had expected, and after saying a quick goodbye, they're on their way.

Maggie and Alex move easily through the crowd, both because they're good at maneuvering and because the people that see them move out of their way. The cobblestone streets are crowded even on the way to the main area where the market stalls are. The happy chatter of people fills the cool morning air. The scent of freshly baked goods wafts from every bakery they pass, as though the bakers made their best smelling goods to try to lure customers in, knowing they have decent amounts of gold in their pockets to spend at the market.

Maggie's eyes light up when the market comes into view, and Alex smiles softly at her wife. She knows how magical it can be, especially for someone's first time. Alex can remember how it was when she first got to come, and she can see the absolute delight on kids' faces as they pass them. Alex squeezes Maggie's hand and gives her a soft smile, loving how genuinely awed she is.

"I never imagined it was something like this," Maggie says softly.

The streets are practically transformed. There was once just cobblestone roads with buildings on either side, looking like every other area of the city. Now, there are streamers and flags hanging from strings connecting the tops of buildings, proudly displaying the colors of the Danvers Kingdom. Every home and store alongside the market has the same colors or a flag inside their windows. The lanterns that line the street have stained glass so that the Danvers Kingdom colors brighten the shadows.

The first stalls line the streets and Alex and Maggie walk slowly, stopping at places that catch their attention. They keep an eye out, but don't see anything suspicious. Not yet, at least. Around noon, they stop at a bakery and get lunch, sitting outside at a table the bakery has placed outdoors. They eat leisurely and look around the marketplace. The bakery they chose they picked because of its location. From this spot, from this table, they can see nearly all of the main square where they think the attack will be. It's a perfect vantage point, and if they're looking around more than they're talking, it could be explained as people watching.

"See anyone yet?" Maggie says just loud enough for only her wife to hear over the sounds of the festival.

"No. Nothing suspicious yet. And that worries me more than anything. Do you think they could be disguising themselves or something?"

Maggie frowns at the thought. "Possibly. It's not out of the question. I've long since learned not to underestimate my enemies."

Alex nods. "They'll show themselves sooner or later."

Maggie nods in agreement and takes another bite of her bagel, her other hand reaching for her wife's as they look out over the festival.


Kara looks at the Danvers Festival, in full swing now. It hasn't been long since she first say down on the rooftop she was assigned to. If she looks up, she could see a few of the archers that Lena has positioned, and if she uses her X-ray vision, she can see Lena. She's blocked by a couple chimneys, so Kara can't see her normally. 

For the most part, Kara keeps her vision and ears trained on the area below, trying to find any hint of conversation that mentions Cadmus or hating aliens. And trying to see if she can find the faces of the people they know are working for the Cadmus-sympathizing group. So far, she hasn't seen any. She's been briefly focusing on each face and scanning them, using the fact that she memorized the faces of the people they're looking for to her advantage.

Kara's not sure if it's good or bad that she doesn't see anything or anyone yet. That doesn't change for hours, not until hours past noon, when J'onn stopped by to give her food, telling her that he was glad he doesn't have super heading, because he could practically feel her stomach growling.

It's a couple hours past then when Kara's still scanning the faces in the crowd when she notices something. There's a cloaked figure, the shadows in just the right places for their face to be hidden. A kid runs by with her own tiny colored lantern, laughing delightedly, briefly illuminating the man's face. It's barely a second, but it's enough for his face to register in Kara's mind. She stands up, looking at him closer as he weave through the crowd, a demure looking alien at his side, occasionally glancing at him with something akin to fear.

After calculating the risk a couple times in her head, Kara lifts off and swoops down, almost too fast for the human eye to register. The alien stares wide-eyed as she lifts both of them into the air and hurtles towards the DEO. She drops them in front of Vasquez, who has been left in charge of the base while all the other high ranking people are gone.

"I would suggest putting them in a containment cell for now, separately. I don't think this one is dangerous." She nods towards the frightened looking alien. "But he is." Kara glances towards the human, who's recovering from shock.

Vasquez nods. "I trust your assessment. Get back out there. If they're coming out of the woodworks, I have a feeling that it's going to go down soon."

Kara nods and flies away, back to her post as quickly as she can while she hears Vasquez whistle to their subordinates, barking out orders to take them to cells.

I'm going to work on a new system of writing so that hopefully you guys won't go so long without a chapter, and I won't have to go so long without writing! Thank you for your patience! Thanks for reading, and for your wonderful comments! Stay awesome!

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