Chapter 107

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Kara and Lena are sitting on a log next to each other. They've finished setting up their tent and Kara wants to be out in the cool night air after spending so much time inside and packing. They didn't manage to finish in time for the chef to finish the food, so they're waiting for dinner. After all, the chef has to cook for roughly thirty people plus a Kryptonian, which is no small feat.

Lena has an arm wrapped around Kara, who is being alarmingly quiet. Lena eyes her with concern.

"Are you alright darling?" Lena murmurs softly.

Kara hesitates for a moment before nodding. "Yeah. I just miss Alex and everyone. Are you sure that I can't fly back and just say goodnight or something?"

"I'm sure, sweetie. You and Alex need to get used to not being with each other everyday if this is going to work," Lena says gently.

Kara's lower lip wobbles. "I don't want to get used to that."

Lena grimaces and hugs Kara to her. Kara wraps her arms around Lena's waist.

"I'm sorry, sweetie. That was a bad way of phrasing that. I didn't mean it like that."

Kara sniffles. "I know you didn't mean it like that. I just really miss her."

"I miss her too," Lena admits softly.

Kara continues hugging Lena, resting her head on her shoulder. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. Lena smiles softly when Kara's head snaps up when the smell of food wafts towards her. She's worried about Kara, but at least she knows she hasn't lost her appetite. Now that would be a true cause for concern.

The chef has some guards help her pass out the food. One guard alone is in charge of giving Kara hers, and he has to make three trips. He looks both fascinated and disgusted as Kara immediately digs in. Lena pulls away slightly to take her own plate, thanking the chef.

She eats and tries not to watch Kara. She has made that mistake before and could hardly finish her meal. She wouldn't have been able to if Lyra wasn't such a good chef.

After Kara and Lena finish eating, they decide to turn in. Last night hadn't exactly been the best night for sleep for them, though they both did take rather long naps in the wagon. Kara climbs into bed fully clothed and yawns, holding up the covers for Lena to crawl in.

"Are you going to sleep fully clothed, darling?" Lena asks with amusement in her voice.

"Mm. 'M tired. C'mere."

Lena chuckles and complies, slipping into bed beside her girlfriend. She wraps an arm around Kara and Kara cuddles up to her, humming. Kara moves so that she can see Lena's face and kisses her softly.

"Goodnight Lee."

"Goodnight Kara," Lena murmurs back.

Kara settles back against Lena's side. They fall asleep easily wrapped up in each other.


Kara wakes up and she's not quite sure why. She can tell it's still night since the tent fabric is thin enough to let sunlight through if it's there. But the tent is dark. She frowns. She usually has little problem sleeping through the night. So what's different tonight? What woke her up?

Kara closes her eyes and listens. Maybe she heard something. Instantly she can tell what woke her up. She can hear footsteps, but this isn't what she would expect from guards marching around.  These are loud and there are multiple footsteps, which indicates that there are quite a few people all moving together. Their feet don't hit the ground normally, either. The footsteps are softer, kind of like Kara's were while Alex was training her to move silently through the woods.

But why would anyone around here need to sneak around? Let alone multiple people? Kara's eyes flash open as she hears them whisper.

"Be quiet, you idiot. That Princess has fricking superpowers. We don't want to wake her up." One of them hisses.

"We know boss, you've told us this twenty times." Another says, evidently annoyed.

"But do you know she can melt your face off with her heat vision?" The boss retorts. "We're just here to take the Queen. Remember, this is for Cadmus."

"For Cadmus," a bunch of people repeat in a whisper.

Kara's eyes fly open, her heart thundering in her chest. They're here for Lena? They're Cadmus? She can feel herself losing some of her control so she gets out of bed. She puts her hands over her burning eyes and takes a deep breath, trying to calm down. Once she's no longer in danger of releasing some heat vision and burning down her and Lena's tent, she lowers her hands and gently shakes Lena.

"Mm?" Lena pats the bed, her eyebrows furrowing when she doesn't feel Kara next to her.

"There are Cadmus people here, Lee." Kara whispers. "I want you to go to the guard tent so I know you're safe, okay? Just like we practiced."

Lena's fully awake now and meets Kara's eyes, raising an eyebrow. "You want me to stay out of this? Kara, they could have Kryptonite."

Kara blurs and then she's back in her suit and headband. "Then I'll be fine still. This is fixed, remember?"

Lena frowns but doesn't get the chance to protest. She feels Kara's lips brush against her forehead as she blurs before leaving the tent. Lena swears under her breath and gets out of bed, quickly pulling on her armor and grabbing her bow and quiver before running out of the tent. She can see the Cadmus people immediately. The guards are fighting them alongside Kara, taking out the Cadmus agents.

Kara has one tied up, which Lena presumes is the leader. She's giving orders to the guards, telling them not to kill unless they have to. Some guards comply, but others don't listen to her at all. Lena makes a mental note of who she should fire when they get back to the Luthor Kingdom.

Next chapter, fighting! Guys, I was walking to lunch this morning and it was snowing! And I of course had my headphones on and the song from Power Rangers when they go underwater for the first time came on and it was so beautiful! And cold. But beautiful! Thank you all for reading and for your amazing comments! Stay awesome!

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