Chapter 58

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Kara and Lena make their way through the forest, avoiding the guards which seem to increase in numbers with every yard closer they get to Lion Castle. Since Lena's pretty sure that it's where Lillian would want to stay, they agreed to go to it first.

While Kara's on lookout, or more accurately listen-out, Lena makes certain they don't get too off track as they maneuver around guards on their way. They find the castle, thanks to her memory and an old compass that Lex had given her before... everything. It was a gift when Lillian sent her off on her first scouting mission, so she wouldn't get lost, according to him. That had made them both laugh, because they both knew that Lex was more likely to get lost than her. And he did, but not physically.

The castle looms in the distance, it's gray stone slabs and sheer size enough to intimidate almost any ordinary person that comes near it. Perhaps that's another reason why Lillian chose it.

Lena and Kara get as close as they dare, close enough for Kara's hearing and sight to be useful but not too close to the multitude of guards that Kara sees and hears. They're mainly staying close to the castle, guarding it. Lena finds them a good hiding place in some thick but not too pokey bushes.

They crouch down and Lena looks out while Kara listens. There are some guards around, which Lena can tell even with her human ears, but they don't seem to notice them, so they should be good. Lena keeps watching and listening, just in case.

"You were right." Kara says after a long pause. 

"Of course I was. So this is their base? You can tell?" Lena asks.

"Yeah. There are a ton more guards walking around and patrolling on the above ground floors. And some people that look like they're working on stuff, but I can't tell what it is. It's stuff in beakers. There is one room that's lead-lined. Then, below ground I can't see anything. I can see the stone bricks of the castle, but it seems like they've covered it from the inside with a thin sheet of lead."

Lena nods, taking a moment to let all that information seep in. "Okay. I think that above ground room is where Lillian stays. She always did like her privacy. Below ground is most likely the labs. Kara, can you memorize where the above ground lead-lined room is? I would like to mark it on the blueprints when we get back."

"Sure." Kara squints slightly, the muscles around her eyes tensing.

Lena sits still, waiting for her to finish. She focuses on Kara, watching for signs of her being done memorizing it's location. It doesn't take her too long before the muscles around her eyes relax again and she nods to herself. Lena smiles but of course that feeling of the contentment of getting something done doesn't last long.

There's a rustling near them, too close for comfort and they're coming closer. Lena and Kara exchange a panicked look and Lena can tell that Kara's just about to bolt.

"No," she whispers so quietly that it would be inaudible to anyone but Kara. "Stay. I have a plan."

Admittedly, her plan isn't the greatest but it's the only one they have. Lena hopes it works, that she doesn't let down Kara's wide eyed, trusting self. Lena presses on Kara's shoulder, who allows herself to be moved until they're both kneeling instead of crouching. Lena moves closer, flinching when the sound of twigs snapping gets uncomfortably close. Lena curses under her breath and leans in, kissing Kara.

If Kara's surprised by this, she doesn't show it. She rests her hands softly on Lena's waist, guiding her closer to her body. The kiss deepens and Lena nearly gets lost in it when someone clears their throat loudly. Kara and Lena both freeze, and Lena's glad they have their hoods on so their onlooker can't even see the color of their hair.

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