Chapter 47

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Lena chuckles as she approaches the target, finally seeing what Winn hit. The bolt is sticking out of a straw training dummy a few feet to the left of the target. She gestures for the other to come over.

"I totally meant to hit that." Winn says.

Alex pats him on the back. "Sure you did. Come on, Lena. It's your turn next."

"Me?" Lena questions, unable to keep the surprise out of her voice.

"Yeah you." Alex replies. "You're the one that found it, plus it was used by an assassin who was sent to kill you."

"That's fair," Maggie shrugs.

"Then Kara can go next, since she was shot at with it. Then Maggie, then me." Alex continues.

"Why are you last?" Maggie asks curiously.

"Because I'm more patient than you." Alex deadpans and grins when Maggie raises her eyebrows at her. "I'm kidding, neither of us are patient. Because I can't resist your dimples, babe."

"You're just whipped," Winn quips. Alex shakes her fist at him and he yelps. "No more noogies!"

After Lena pulls the bolt out of the training dummy, they head back to the line she drew to shoot from.

"He's not wrong, Danvers." Maggie teases, nudging her girlfriend.

"If I'm whipped, so are you Sawyer."

"At least I can admit it." Maggie says, joining their hands together.

Winn, Kara, and Lena pretend they don't hear their banter.

Lena focuses on the crossbow, raising it to point at the target. She rests the butt against her shoulder and flicks off what she assumes is the safety. She closes her left eye and aims. Lena lets out a breath and pulls the trigger.

The bolt hits the target with a thunk. They all move forward and Winn gapes at it.

"You hit it. Dead center. On your first try."

"I am a very good archer." Lena shrugs, a little pleased smile on her face.

Alex pulls out the bolt in order to take off the cover. "Huh. It didn't really penetrate very deep." She remarks. "I wonder how this compares to a bow. Or a gun."

"We can test that after everyone has their turn." Lena suggests.

Alex hums in response. "Alright."

They continue shooting. Kara, only having shot a regular bow a couple times for fun, is the worst shot (aside from Winn). She actually hits the target. Maggie nearly hits the bullseye, to her disappointment. She hasn't shot a bow in a while, but she's okay at it. Alex hits the bullseye but in the upper right part, not the center like Lena.

"Overachiever," Maggie remarks, kissing her girlfriend's cheek.

After being subjected to Winn's puppy eyes (something Alex swears he picked up from Kara), they let him shoot again. This time, he hits the target. Barely. The bolt is embedded in the lower left corner, nearly hanging out of the target. If it were another centimeter or two to the left, it would've hit the training dummy's leg.

Winn's just happy that he hit it. As he rejoins them after grabbing the bolt, he hears Maggie snickering.

"What's so funny?" Alex asks curiously.

"Schott's a bad shot." Maggie laughs.

Alex smiles and shakes her head fondly at her girlfriend. Only she would think of a dorky rhyme about this and find it hilarious.

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