Chapter 43

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Everyone in the dining room looks up when Lena, Kara, Maggie, Alex, and Winn walk in. Any conversation stops and Lena pauses hesitantly from where she and Kara had been leading the group. Kara squeezes her hand comfortingly, but comes to a stop as well. It's silent until a man that Lena doesn't recognize speaks.

"I never thought I would see the day when Kara would be late to a meal." The man jokes.

The woman next to him gives him an amused look while Kara blushes.

"James! I'm only a minute and a half late!" Kara says.

Oh, so that's who that is. Lena puts his face along with the stories Kara has told her about him together in her mind.

"Usually you're five minutes early, Kiera." An older blonde woman drawls and Lena immediately recognizes her as Cat Grant, media mogul.

Lena fights the urge to look down at where Kara and her are still holding hands, not wanting to give it away in case Kara's not okay with everyone in the Kingdoms knowing that they're dating. Kara gives her a brief worried look, probably hearing how her heart rate increased.

"I didn't use super speed, that's why! I walked with everyone else." Kara explains, adjusting her glasses.

"You always use your superspeed, Kara. Especially when food is involved." Another woman says.

She has short brown hair, roughly the same length as Alex's. She's the one Lena suspects is dating James. Kara has mentioned her a few times... What did she say her name was? Oh, Lucy. Lucy Lane, the sister of the infamous Lois. She's Superman's sister-in-law.

And no, Kara didn't tell Lena that Clark Kent is Superman, but she's smart. Even if she weren't, her brother is Lex Luthor so of course she knows Superman's secret identity. Even if her girlfriend doesn't know that quite yet.

"She hasn't been able to hang out with her awesome sister for a while, that's why." Alex butts in before Lena can try to think of a good explanation.

Cat is just leaning on her elbows, squinting at the group still near the entrance with an intrigued expression. James and Lucy don't seem like they quite believe Alex's claim, but everyone else seems to have accepted it.

Kara tugs at Lena's hand gently so she doesn't alarm her, silently urging her to start moving again. When they do, all eyes are on Lena and it's only her years of training from the Luthor's that keeps her expression calm and keeps her body from betraying her nerves.

"And who are you?" Lucy asks.

Lena sits next to Kara's usual spot. Alex and Maggie sit on the other side of Kara while Winn sits next to Lena, which she's grateful for. She's not certain she would be able to stay as calm next to another person she doesn't know.

"I'm Lena Luthor, it's nice to meet you." She answers.

James' face darkens and Lena doesn't blame him at all. He's Superman's best friend, after all. Lucy nudges James and he cracks a forced grin.

"It's nice to meet you too. I'm James Olson, and this is Lucy Lane."

Lena nods politely and Kara squeezes her hand again. She relaxes slightly, knowing that despite her girlfriend's reassurances, her muscles will continue to be tense until this dinner is over.

Especially with the older black man that Lena's pretty sure is J'onn that has been watching her since she walked in. And he's a telepath, which worries Lena. She doesn't particularly have anything to hide except perhaps for some blueprints she keeps in her mind and some unsavory memories. He is Kara's space dad and Lena wants to make a good impression. But how can she do that with a telepath without revealing how nervous she is. Gods, he can probably hear her thoughts now... Lena pulls herself away from that train of thought.

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