Chapter 127

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Alex and Maggie settle in next to each other and wave at their friends and family. The carriage jolts slightly as the horses begin walking, the carriage slowly making a turn towards the gates to exit the castle walls. Once everyone's out of sight, Maggie leans her head against Alex's shoulder and cuddles up to her.

"Is there any chance you'll tell us where we're going?" Alex asks the carriage driver.

"I'm afraid not, ma'am. The Queen have me the explicit order not to tell you or your wife. So please, sit back and enjoy the ride."

Alex leans back against the chair and lets out a soft sigh, letting her head drop gently on top of Maggie's. The sound of the horses' hooves hitting the cobblestone streets and the wooden wheels turning beneath them fill the carriage.

They look out at National City, nudging each other gently when the occasional nighttime stroller stops and gapes at the carriage.

"Hey Mags," Alex says.


"You're my wife."

Maggie sits up so she can look at Alex's face, the dopey grin on Alex's face looking like how the one she knows must be on her face feels.

"Yeah, yeah I am. And you're my wife."

Maggie nudges Alex, who just keeps smiling at her. She leans in and kisses her gently. Alex melts against her, reaching up to cup her jaw as she introduces tongue into the kiss. Maggie hums against her and changes the angle enough that their noses brush, which Alex always finds adorable.

They pull apart when the carriage halts and Alex looks outside, only to see that they're at the gates of the city. Her eyebrows furrow. Where on earth could they be going? The gates open for them and the carriage starts moving again.

"We're going outside National City," Maggie observes.

"We are. And I have no idea where we're going. Everything I thought it could be was either in the City or very far away."

"Does your family own any property nearby? Because I doubt Eliza would have let us get in here if it was going to be a very long ride."

"One that I know about, but it hasn't been used in years. As in not since before Kara first came down."

"So it's not a possibility?" Maggie asks.

"I guess it technically is, but it's hard to hide as much work as that house needed from me."

Maggie smiles at her. "My observant little agent."

"I'm not the little one in this relationship," Alex teases.

Maggie dramatically grasps at her chest. "Ouch. Just for that, you might miss out on the most fun thing that happens on wedding nights."

Alex raises one eyebrow, pretending not to know what Maggie's talking about. "We already danced, babe."

"I'm talking about the horizontal tango, Allie." Maggie raises and drops her eyebrows with a giant smirk on her face as Alex bursts out laughing.

"You absolute dork. The horizontal tango?" Alex laughs harder, and Maggie starts laughing as well.

"Hey you married this absolute dork," Maggie points out with a grin.

"Mm hmm. And I couldn't be happier about that."

Alex leans in and captures Maggie lips, kissing her gently. This time, they don't notice when the carriage stops, too wrapped up in their soft kiss. It takes the carriage driver awkwardly clearing their throat for them to snap out of it. They pull apart, their cheeks turning pink.

The carriage drivers gets down and opens the door for them. "Be careful, Ma'ams. There is a step to help you get down."

"Thank you," Maggie says.

They hold out their hand as a secondary measure to make sure Maggie and Alex don't trip and fall in the dark. Maggie and Alex take it gratefully, climbing down one at a time. When Alex steps out, she balks. She looks over at Maggie, who had gotten out first.

"Hey Mags, this is the place I was telling you about."

"The one you haven't been to in a long time?" Maggie asks. Alex nods. "Dang, you didn't tell me it was a rustic log cabin."

"You like it?" Alex asks.

"I love it," Maggie breathes.

The carriage driver clears their throat again to get Maggie and Alex's attention. "I apologize for interrupting, Ma'ams. Your luggage was taken here in a separate carriage and is here already. Should you need anything, there is some device that will send a signal that will reach either the DEO or the Danvers Castle, depending on if you press the emergency button or the other one. Is there anything you need from me now?"

"Yes, one second," Maggie says.

She digs around in her pockets, glad she decided to wear a suit. Dresses aren't exactly famous for having pockets. Nor is she very comfortable wearing dresses. She pulls out a few coins and hands them to him, glad she always keeps some on her.

The carriage driver thanks her and then heads off, waving goodbye to them.

Alex and Maggie go inside the cabin and the first thing they notice is their luggage sitting off to the side.

"Do we need anything from them?" Alex muses out loud.

Maggie shakes her head. "Nope. I just want to have some food and then go to bed."

Alex blushes at Maggie's intense look. "Do we need to have food? We just had dinner."

"And then danced for hours," Maggie reminds her. "I don't know about you, but I want this night to last. And to not be interrupted by my stomach growling."

"Oh. Yeah, okay. What do you need me to do?" Alex asks as they walk farther into the cabin, leading Maggie to where she remembers the kitchen is.

"Just sit there and look pretty Allie," Maggie says as she looks around in the cupboards to see what they have. She glances at Alex. "I know you're not a bad baker, babe. But you've burned Mac and cheese."

"How are you supposed to know it's done?"

Maggie chuckles and kisses Alex's cheek. "Just watch and learn, babe."

Seems like you guys are either cool with whatever I choose to do or are super excited for actual smut, so I am going to write it! Just please let me know if anything's wrong or inaccurate because I'm a giant virgin... Thank you all for reading and for your lovely comments! Stay awesome!

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