Chapter 15

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"Lena overthrew Lillian." The courier reports.

It's deathly silent in the room for a few minutes until Eliza speaks again.

"You're sure?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." He bows lowly to her. He then seems to remember something and rummages through his satchel. "She wrote a letter and personally handed it to me to give to you."

The courier gives Eliza the letter. She breaks the wax seal and gently unfolds the paper before starting to read. She reads through it and the room is once again quiet. Alex fidgets in place a little, anxious about what it could say. It feels like an eternity before Eliza lowers the letter again, her expression still carefully blank.

"What does it say, dear?" Jeremiah prompts gently.

"Lena has suspected she may have to overthrow her mother for some time." Eliza begins. "It sounds as though she has been preparing for this since Lex was killed."

Alex's eyebrows raise. He had been killed years ago. "That long?" She asks before she can stop herself

"Yes," Eliza answers, thankfully not seeming to mind being interrupted. "She doesn't go into detail about what her plans are for fear of the courier being caught or intercepted by someone loyal to Lillian. She says she isn't like her adoptive family. She also says that she will be arriving in a week to talk about a truce and an alliance between our Kingdoms."

"An alliance?" J'onn repeats, frowning. "These are the Luthors we're talking about."

"I'm well aware of that, J'onn." Eliza says drily. "We have a week to prepare to receive her and those she brings with her. We will increase our guards and our patrols. But we will not be the first to draw our swords. Understand?"

Everyone bows their heads to the Queen. Alex feels worry creeping up her spine. This could easily be a trap. Before she can delve into thinking about what could happen, someone interrupts her thoughts.

"And that's it?" Kara questions.

Alex gets the feeling she peeked with her X-ray vision and saw something else.

"No. She also warns that she knows she won't be able to kill her mother and that Lillian will not give up. Lena says that she will tell us more about what she could be planning after she gets here." Eliza says.

Jeremiah, sensing his wife has explained everything, turns to the courier. "Thank you for all that you've done. There's a room that has been prepared for you in the guest quarters and you and your horse will be looked over tomorrow. A knight can take youth your room now." He gestures and a guard walks over from their post.

"Thank you, sir." The courier smiles and bows one last time before following the guard out of the room.

"Is there anything you need us to do?" Alex asks her parents and J'onn once the door clangs shut behind the courier.

"No. You kids can do whatever you would like to." Jeremiah says after exchanging a look with J'onn.

"Alright. Goodnight."

Alex gives Eliza and Jeremiah a kiss on the cheek and nods to J'onn. Kara goes in after her as she rejoins Maggie, who looks a little overwhelmed by everything.

"Come on, Sawyer." Alex says.

Maggie starts to walk alongside her while Kara jogs to catch up. Winn calls a goodbye to them and dashes off.

"What now? I'm too wired to go to sleep." Kara says.

"You're always hyper, Kara." Alex teases, making her very mature sister stick out her tongue at her.

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