Chapter 88

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Kara clears her throat but Maggie and Alex are too immersed in each other to hear. She clears her throat loudly and it finally seems to register with them. They pull apart and turn to Kara, who looks completely grossed out and is avoiding directly looking at them.

"So did you decide?" Maggie asks and Kara really doesn't want to think about why she might be breathing harder than before.

"Yeah. I'm planning on trying it out for a year." Kara answers.

"When is that year going to start?" Alex asks, running a hand through her mussed up hair.

Kara looks to Lena, who answers. "I still have things to wrap up here, so if she wants to leave with me, we would leave in about two or so weeks."

"I want to go with you." Kara says.

Lena nods and squeezes Kara's hand. "Okay. But you should really talk to your parents about this as well, darling."

Kara sighs and nods. "Yeah. That'll be fun. And I should probably talk to Winn and J'onn too."

"Do you want me to come with?" Lena offers.

"Yes please."

"When do you want to do it?"

"After food." Kara says.

"Who do you want to talk to first?" Alex asks.

"Um. Winn and Vasquez. They should be the easiest. Then J'onn. Then Eliza and Jeremiah." Kara lists. "And, um. Can you come, too? Both of you?" She asks hesitantly.

Maggie and Alex exchange a look. "Of course," Maggie says.

Kara lets out a relieved sigh. "Thank you."


After Kara's practically chased out of the kitchen because she stress eats, the four of them head to the DEO. It's Vasquez who sees them first.

"Ma'ams, it's good to see you. Everything has been quiet since we got back, you don't need to be here." They say.

"Actually, Vasquez.... I want to talk to you and Winn about something." Kara tries not to sound as anxious as she feels.

"Alright. Is everything okay?" Vasquez asks worriedly.

"Everything's fine, I promise. Where's Winn?" Kara asks. S

She listens for his heartbeat but she doesn't have to because as soon as she says his name again he jolts upright. He's sitting at a desk a couple yards from Vasquez. They didn't realize it was him because he had fallen asleep on his books.

"Wha? Huh? I'm awake!" Winn says, turning to face them with wide eyes.

Alex rolls her eyes fondly. "Sure you are. Come on, we have to talk."

Without explaining further, Alex begins dragging a startled Winn to a conference room, the rest of them following behind them.

"What did I do to deserve this rough treatment?" Winn grumbles when they stop in a conference room. He rubs his arm and pouts at Alex.

"Kara has something she wants to tell you nerds." Alex says instead of answering.

Winn gasps excitedly. "Oh my god, you're pregnant!"

"What? No, Winn. How would that even...?" Kara shakes her head. "I'm not pregnant, and neither is Lena."

Winn shrugs. "You never know, you are Kryptonian. We don't know how your physiology works with ours."

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