Chapter 93

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Alex pulls back from the kiss to catch her breath, looking into Maggie's darkened eyes as they both breathe hard. Alex's nose nudges Maggie's as she leans in again. Maggie gives her a quick peck before pulling back again, which isn't exactly what Alex was going for, but she'll respect it. Alex stays close to her fiancée (!!), searching for a sign of why she had pulled back. Maggie's face is flushed and her eyes are dark and Alex knows what that incredibly sexy expression means. Alex bites her bottom lip and meets Maggie's gaze, knowing Maggie can tell how she's feeling just as easily as she can tell what Maggie is feeling.

Maggie closes her eyes for a split second longer than normal and then meets Alex's gaze. "As much as I would love to continue this, Allie, I don't think we should. Not here. I don't want to uh, defile your family's garden."

Alex sighs and concedes. "Yeah, I guess you're right. I don't really want some rebellious kid walking in here when it's closed and finding us like that."

Maggie chuckles. "It sounds like you know from experience that rebellious kids come in here."

Alex grins at the beautiful sound of her fiancée's laughter. "Mm. I do know from experience. I was one of those rebellious kids."

She imagines a young Alex out here, reading a book to learn all about the plants, especially the ones her family likes so she can talk to them about it. Maggie beams at her fiancée, Gods she could really get used to thinking of her as that, her dimples showing in a way she knows makes Alex melt. Sure enough, Alex grins dopily back at her, the tension between them gone for now but the effects are still felt.

"And what did a rebellious young Alex Danvers do? Look at the stars? Read books?" Maggie teases.

Alex sticks out her tongue. "Actually yes, I did. I read books out here at night because it was much prettier than in my room. And once Kara came down, we would look at the stars together. She loved the garden and still does, because on Krypton, there weren't many plants, let alone ones that are grown just because they look pretty."

Maggie's smile softens. "You're a really good sister, Danvers."

Alex hums, not quite believing her. She leans in and captures Maggie's lips once again, this time Maggie doesn't pull back. Maggie relaxes into the kiss, nearly stumbling backwards before she catches herself when it deepens. Maggie changes the angle and Alex lets out a pleased, surprised noise that sends a jolt down Maggie's spine. They pull each other closer until... it's Alex this time that pulls back.

"Bedroom?" Alex whispers against Maggie's lips, unable to stray too far from them.

"Please," Maggie murmurs back, giving Alex one last quick peck.

They wrap their arms around each other's waists, pulling each other as closely as they can without tripping each other as they walk. This isn't an odd sight in the Danvers Castle anymore, but they do have to stop themselves from running through the halls. The guards may think something's wrong when everything's just right.

Alex wraps her arms around Maggie from behind as Maggie unlocks their door with shaky hands once Alex begins pressing kisses to the back of her neck. Maggie finally opens the door and pushes Alex against it, causing it to close a bit louder than usual. But they can't find it in themselves to care, too wrapped up in each other to mind.


Alex and Maggie go to Winn first the next morning. It was his one request of Maggie when he agreed to help her. And that's exactly what it was, a request. It wasn't a condition for him helping and he made sure to tell Maggie that. So when Maggie explains why she wants to go to Winn before Kara, Alex understands and agrees.

They walk towards his office, knowing that's usually where he is at this time in the morning. He's usually at the DEO a bit later, after he has done some work in his office. Maggie knocks on his door, drawing a curious look from Alex.

"He has a girlfriend now, babe. I don't want to barge in." Maggie explains.

Alex makes an exaggerated gagging motion, looking absolutely disgusted. The door opens to reveal Winn looking no more disheveled than normal. He beams when he sees them and opens the door wider to let them inside. He shuts and locks the door behind him.

When they give him a questioning look, he elaborates. "I don't want anyone else to know before Kara."

Alex smiles thankfully and ruffles his hair affectionately, chuckling when he grumbles and tries to fix it. Winn clears the papers, journals, and books off of the chairs so that Maggie and Alex can sit down. Winn sits down on his chair and rolls it forward, twisting the seat so he's facing them.

"So? How was last night?" Winn asks excitedly, grinning widely.

"Mm. Really great." Alex sighs dreamily.

"He meant the dinner and the garden, Al." Maggie says jokingly.

"My response applies to all of last night."

"Eeew, guys! I don't want to know that! Little brother here!" Winn complains.

"Sorry, Winn." Maggie says, not sounding sorry at all.

"So? Did you ask? What did she say?" Winn asks, practically bouncing in his seat.

Alex peeks over at Maggie and sees a glint of mischief in her eyes. Gods, she loves this woman. Alex frowns and looks more obviously at Maggie.

"Ask me what, babe?"

Maggie does a good job looking startled and guilty. Winn pales, glancing between them.

"Oh. Oh, you didn't... Oh." Winn blanches.

Alex breaks when she sees the look of terror on Winn's face, probably thinking Maggie is going to kill him for this. Alex bursts into laughter and Maggie quickly follows.

"Why are you laughing? You... You're wearing a ring." Winn says, blinking in surprise, then his head snaps up to Maggie and Alex's faces. "Oh my god! You're wearing a ring!"

His loud squeal makes Alex glad he shut the door.

Aww! Next chapter, Maggie and Alex tell Kara! Then Eliza and Jeremiah, if we get to it... And I need to plan again haha. Thank you all for reading and for your amazing comments! Stay awesome!

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