Chapter 147

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Alex sits down at the table and begins to read the piece of paper. Lena occupies herself with fixing everything up and beginning to put everything away, but she can't help anxiously glancing over every couple of seconds. Lena slowly sorts through the papers spread all over the desk, most of which are earlier drafts she scrapped, putting all the ones that can be thrown away together.

Alex finally sets down the paper and Lena gives her an expectant look. Alex lets out a slow breath, looking over at her. "Lena, how the heck did you write this in one day? This is... This feels professional, like you got someone who writes poems for a living to write this for you."

Lena blushes. "Really? You don't think it's cheesy?"

"It kind of is, but in the best way. Kara is definitely going to cry, by the way."

"In a good way?" Lena asks hopefully.

"In a good way, yeah. When are you thinking of doing it?" Alex asks, handing the paper back to Lena.

"The next time we get some time to ourselves where we can read together. I could tell her that I wrote something for her and go from there." Lena shrugs, looking down at the paper.

Alex nods. "That works. What would you like to do tonight? Do you want alone time with Kara, or would you be open to spending time with Maggie and me? Either choice is fine, of course."

"I think the four of us spending time together would be good. We haven't had as much time to do that as I would like recently."

Alex nods. "Do you want to stop at your room to drop that off first? Put it somewhere safe?"

Lena lets out a breath. "Yeah, that's probably bet. Where are Maggie and Kara?"

"Where do you think? The kitchen." Alex says with a wink.

Lena laughs. "I shouldn't have had to ask. Shall we?"

"Sure. Do you want help with those papers?"

"Yes, thank you. This stack is from the library, I can put it away later, so we can just leave it. That other stack can be thrown in the trash, if you want to grab that. They're mainly my previous drafts."

Alex picks one up. "This is a good stick figure drawing of you saying 'I don't know what to write!' "

Lena sighs softly. Of course Alex would see her crappy drawings. Alex grins at Lena and grabs the stack of papers. The guards open the doors to the library for them and Alex puts the papers in the first garbage bin they come across while walking towards Kara and Lena's room.

Lena picks up the poetry book they've been meaning to read next, one with translated poems of Sappho. Of course, they could have gotten them untranslated since Kara decided to teach herself quite a few languages, Greek being one of them. But Kara was the one to pick the book out and she liked how the author translated the poems into English.

Lena silently hopes that when she reads the poem to Kara, she won't stumble. Especially since she wrote it in Kryptonese, which she is proficient at, but she isn't sure how she'll do reading in Kryptonese while under pressure. She's written it and edited it so many times that it's imprinted in her memory. She could always practice it in  her mind or mouth along to the words when she has time.

Once Lena hides the poem in the book, creating a conspicuous parting of the pages, she and Alex head towards the kitchen. As soon as she walks in, she has an armful of her beautiful Kryptonian girlfriend.

"Lee! I missed you!" Kara explains.

Lena hugs her back, breathing in her familiar smell. "I missed you too, darling."

"Did you finish what you need to? Because I don't want to spend an entire day apart like that again if I don't have to."

"Yes, darling. I finished." Lena presses a kiss to Kara's cheek, smiling to herself when she sees that her lipstick has left a faint reddish imprint.

Kara hums happily, resting her head on Lena's shoulder.

"Hey lovebirds, you're kind of blocking the entrance and I would kind of like to kiss my wife, if you don't mind." Alex says.

Kara gently floats, bringing Lena off to the side so they don't have to part. Lena finds it adorable.

Maggie and Alex meet halfway in a soft kiss.

"I thought my kitchen seemed gayer than usual," Lyra says. "There are some potstickers and pizza being kept warm if you want them. I'm going to go to sleep."

"You mean you're going to find Winn?" Maggie teases.

"Yes. I thought I would just spare you the mental image of Winn and I in bed." Lyra says, smirking at them before walking out.

Alex groans at her words. "Maggie! He's my brother!"

"I meant like for cuddles! I didn't expect her to turn it into something sexual!"

"It's Lyra, how did you not expect it?" Alex pokes Maggie's stomach, making her flinch and let out a surprised yelp.

"Don't worry about them, Kara. They'll start kissing soon enough. This isn't a real fight," Lena whispers.

Kara nods and pulls back slightly, only to wrinkle her nose at the sight of her sister and sister-in-law making out. She turns her attention back to Lena, reveling at the fact that her girlfriend is in her arms. She really did miss her.

"I love you Lee," Kara murmurs.

"I love you too Kara."

Lena gently tugs at her and Kara lets herself be pulled closer to her girlfriend, smiling when Lena gently captures her lips with her own. Their eyes flutter closed and Kara's hand move to rest on Lena's hips.

"Ugh. Kara, Lena, quit sucking face! There are potstickers and pizza that we'll eat without you," Alex threatens.

Kara pulls back and Lena lets her lips brush against Kara's face as she turns to face her sister, delighting in the little shiver she causes. "Hey, you guys were literally just making out! And you know there's no way I would ever let you eat all the food!"

Next chapter, maybe the proposal? We'll see? I have my writing club tonight so maybe I'll actually write the poem lol and not do it on the spot... And that was Lena's plan, by the way! To write a sappy love open about her and Kara in Kryptonese and recite it to her! ;) Thank you all for reading and for your patience with the updates, college has been slamming me with work lol. Thanks for your lovely comments, they really make my day! Stay awesome!

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