Chapter 113

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Lena laughs softly at that while Kara continues to blush. "On any other night, they wouldn't have been wrong, darling."

"I know," Kara groans.

Lena chuckles and wraps her arms around her embarrassed girlfriend. She kisses the side of her head and smiles softly as Kara melts against her side. Kara turns her head towards Lena, who knows immediately what she wants. Lena angles herself so that she can capture Kara's lips with her own.

Kara hums and drapes her arms over Lena's shoulders, turning her body so she can kiss her more easily. Lena smiles against her lips as the kiss deepens. Lena rests her hands gently on Kara's waist and pulls her as close as she can. Kara pulls back slightly to change the angle of the kiss and Lena takes those few seconds to try to catch her breath. Their noses brush against each other accidentally, but then Kara nudges Lena with her nose. Lena giggles at her dorky girlfriend and captures Kara's lips again.

Lena gets lost in the kiss, not minding how breathless she is. The kiss deepens again and Kara lets out a soft moan as their tongues are introduced in the kiss. A loud rumble startles Lena so much that she practically jumps out of Kara's arms.

Lena pants softly, trying to catch her breath as her brows furrow. What on Earth was that? Kara's cheeks are red again, but not because of their intense kissing, she's too red for it to be that.

"Was that your stomach?" Lena asks, amusement coloring her voice.

"... Yes?" Kara grins awkwardly. "We've been asleep for a while, and I haven't gotten the chance to eat for a while."

Lena takes Kara's hands in hers and gently presses a single kiss to her girlfriend's nose. It scrunches up with the force of the beaming smile Kara directs at her.

"You could have said something, love."

"I wanted to cuddle more with you." Kara pouts.

Lena shakes her head fondly at her girlfriend, a smile playing on her lips. "And that was lovely, but your stomach is important too. Please don't hesitate to speak up, okay?"

Kara nods seriously. "Okay."

"Good." Lena presses a swift kiss to Kara's cheek. "Now I'm going to go put on some clothes. Speaking of my clothes, look absolutely amazing in them." Lena kisses Kara deep enough to make her go cross-eyed. "I can't wait to get you out of them later."

Lena laughs as she heads to her closet when she hears Kara squeak.

Since Kara isn't wearing anything fancy or her Supersuit, Lena decides to just wear comfier things. She walks back out to Kara, who looks her up and down appreciatively. When she sees that Lena caught her looking, she blushes.

"Come on, darling. Let's go get food and then see Jess." Lena chuckles when Kara fist pumps. "I don't know what you're excited about, food or Jess."

"Maybe I'm just excited to spend time with you," Kara says. "I'm excited for food, but also to meet your friend."

"You know, I didn't see her as my friend until you pointed that out," Lena murmurs.

Kara smiles sadly, taking Lena's hand in hers. She holds the door to Lena's bedroom open for her, ignoring how the guards stare at their intwined hands. They walk down the highway and Kara loosens her hold on Lena's hand in case she's not okay with showing this affection. Lena tightens her grip on Kara's in response and Kara ducks her head, smiling at the ground.

Their first stop is the kitchen, and Kara gapes over the technology they have. Lena chuckles at her girlfriend's dropped jaw.

"Here at the Luthor Castle, we try the latest in technology to test how they work. The kitchen is the pride and joy of the head chef, Sam."

"Queen Lena!" A woman comes up to them with a warm smile. "It's good to see you again."

"Sam!" To Kara's surprise, Lena hugs her. So this is the head chef. "It's been too long! Kara, this is the amazing head chef I just told you about."

"Oh you exaggerate, Lena. I'm not as amazing as she says I am," Sam says to Kara.

"Mm, just you wait Sam. Kara is going to become your biggest fan as soon as she tastes your cooking."

"Oh you like to eat, Kara?" Sam asks.

"I love eating! And it works out really nicely since I'm Kryptonian and have a large appetite." Kara says with a smile and shrug.

Sam's eyes widen. "You're Kryptonian too?"

"You speak Kryptonese? How? Wait what do you mean too?"

"I am from Krypton. I was sent here as a baby. I learned the language from a crystal my parents sent with me."

"You speak Kryptonese better than my cousin, and he learned from a crystal as well," Kara chuckles and shakes her head. "I thought it was just Kal and I left from our world. Are there others?"

San hesitates for a moment. "There's my daughter, Ruby."

Kara's mouth drops open, her eyes wide. She switches back to English without thinking about it. "So we can..."

Sam chuckles softly. "Yeah. She's my little miracle. I, um. I actually had her before I knew. I only found out recently because my adoptive mother kept it from me. She, uh, she didn't exactly agree with me having Ruby at a young age. And while I wasn't married. So she kicked and didn't get the chance until my powers started emerging and I went to talk to her. It uh," she lets out a shaky breath. "It still feels like some weird fever dream."

"I know the feeling," Kara says softly. That's how she felt the first year or so after she first landed.

Sam smiles softly at her and then shakes her head. "Enough of that sad talk. I made a bunch of food, feel free to make a sizable dent in it all."

I did not expect to introduce Sam tbh, but she's here now! Anyone else ship superreigncorp? That won't happen in this book, but if y'all want to give me some prompts for that or anything else haha... ;) And she won't be Reign in this, or evil! Now I'm off to read Fanfiction before I have to put on a suit for a holiday party... Also, just yesterday I learned what a pantsuit is and wtf? It's literally just a suit? That women wear? There's literally no other difference that I know of. Why is there an entirely separate word for it? Idk man, English is wild. Anyway! Thank you all for reading and for your amazing comments! Stay awesome!

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