Chapter 79

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They walk down the steps, their swords drawn. Maggie's leading and keeps her eyes trained in front of her, making sure there's nothing lurking in the shadows. She gets to the bottom and there's a door, a heavy black metal door. She pushes it open with the side of her body and her heart launches into her throat when she sees what's behind the door.

Maggie swallows, steeling her emotions, and holds the door open for the others to walk in. It works well, because she uses that time to compose herself. She knows Alex notices her behavior but just gives her sad eyes when she pauses and places a hand on Maggie's shoulder. She can see their reactions, all of them horrified by what they're seeing.

There are people in cages. Everywhere. Stacked on top of each other like beasts. All of them with hollow expressions, not even looking up when they come in. They look thin, so thin that Maggie wonders if Cadmus is just doing the bare minimum to keep them alive. She moves closer carefully, not wanting to scare anyone. They don't even flinch, just watch her with the most dead expression she's seen on anyone that's still alive.

As Maggie steps closer, avoiding getting too close. Both so she doesn't scare them and so that if they think she's one of their tormentors, she'll be safe from their grasping hands. She notices something and does a double take. Some of these are humans, some of them are aliens, and some... The worst off ones are something in the middle. Humans with something extra. One has horns, one has blue tinged skin, one Maggie swears has fangs and whiskers.

They've... Cadmus has been experimenting with humans and aliens. It makes Maggie sick to her stomach. They people they claim to want to protect, locked up in cages built to temporarily hold large dogs... It's not just inhumane, it's... It's nauseating to Maggie, knowing they haven't heard of this before now. That Cadmus has been able to get away with this until now.

Maggie resists the urge to run around and break everyone out. They're all weak at best, and violent and delirious at the worst. Plus, they don't want to alert the scientists that they're down here. Setting free their victims would definitely not be subtle or quiet.

Maggie gives Alex a conflicted look and Alex nods back. Maggie sighs, knowing Alex feels the same as her, hating the human (and alien) rights violations here. At least they can fight the bastards that did this to them.

Alex gestures for the team to come close. "Do not release them," she signs. "It may be tempting, but they will be noisy, perhaps even violent. We need to take out the scientists and guards down here first. Then we can free them. But we have to be careful when we do, they'll be scared and confused and may lash out."

"Where to first?" Maggie signs back.

"Let's continue. I don't think any scientist would work at their desk in here, the stink enough is enough to drive most away. There will most likely be another door at the opposite end. We have to be ready for opposition. Okay?"

They all nod. "Let's move. I can lead." Maggie signs.

They all follow her lead, their weapons still drawn. There's another metal door, just like Alex predicted. It's black and sleek, and makes Maggie wonder if that's another mind game for the captivates. The door leading to them, the one they came in, is rusted and worn and creaked as it opened. This one will lead to the scientists, to the guards, and it's perfectly painted with no rust at all. As though Cadmus is saying "see? We're better than you. You don't even deserve a good door. We do."

Maggie adjusts her grip on her sword, swallowing down her rising anger. Fighting while angry can be dangerous. It can make her sloppy if she lets it take over. So she swallows it down, to use later. She pushes open the door with her back and it moves on it's hinges silently. Maggie holds it open for the others to come through.

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