Chapter 89

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Once they all equip their watches, Winn grabs the other two and puts them back in their little boxes.

"Is it okay if I come with you guys? So I can give J'onn and Eliza their watches?" Winn asks.

Kara exchanges a look with Lena to make sure she's okay with it. "Yeah, okay."

"Now you have a parade of people, Kara." Alex says, amused as they all follow Kara and Lena out of the conference room.

They head to the main area of the DEO, where J'onn is listening to an agent's report. He glances up when they come in, but keeps his attention on the agent until they're done. J'onn tells them to keep an eye on things and then heads over to them.

He waits for them to speak and it's Winn that breaks first.

"Um. Sir, I have something for you." He rambles on and explains the watch as he hands the box to J'onn, who opens it and studies it carefully.

"This is very good work, Winn." J'onn says proudly, placing a hand on Winn's shoulder. Winn beams happily at his space dad. "I would dare say it's better than what Superman gave James and Lucy."

"Thanks! That's actually where I got the idea."

"And Kara? You have something to tell me?"

"What? How do you know?" Kara asks. "You can't even read my mind!" She sighs. "I'm going to the Luthor Kingdom with Lena for at least a year. I mean, I'll be back here within that year and see you, but I'll be with Lena."

J'onn nods. "I thought you may want to do that sometime. But Kara, I want to remind you that this may not be permanent. Someday, you will be Queen of the Danvers Kingdom. I would like you to reflect on that while you are gone and discuss it with each other. What will happen then? How will your relationship work?"

Kara blinks. She hadn't thought of that. She knew that someday she might be Queen, but she hasn't thought about how that could affect her relationship with Lena. She doesn't want to focus on it right now, though. She can figure it out with Lena later.

"Have you told Queen Eliza and Jeremiah yet?" J'onn asks.

Kara shakes her head. "No, but we're planning on telling them next."

"Good. I will let you go do that. Winn, Vasquez, I need to discuss something with you."

"Sir, do you need Maggie and I too?"

"No, I just want to go over some reports. Be there for your sister."

Alex straightens her back and nods to him. "Yes sir."

Since Winn and Vasquez are staying behind to talk to J'onn, Winn hands Alex the box for Eliza. He knows that she will tell Eliza everything she needs to know about it.

Alex, Maggie, Lena, and Kara head to the throne room. Kara uses her super hearing to make sure that's where they are. Kara holds the door to the throne room open for the others and takes a deep breath in an attempt to steady herself.

They walk closer to where Queen Eliza and Jeremiah are seated on their thrones. Kara smiles up at them, trying to ignore her nerves. Eliza and Jeremiah get down from the platform their thrones are on and hug their daughters again, then their daughters' girlfriends.

"It's so good to see you again, girls! But I know my daughters hardly come by the throne room to say hello." Eliza remarks, raising an eyebrow at her daughters.

Kara gestures for Alex to go first and she does, explaining the watch to their parents.

Then, it's Kara's turn. She tells them that she's going to stay with Lena and they react better than she expected. Granted, they're still not exactly happy that Kara's going to be so far away from them.

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