Chapter 141

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Kara gently places her hand on Lena's shoulder. "You know we could always ride there."

Lena shakes her head as she paces. "It will take too long, I don't want to make you miss your sister coming home. I'll be ready, just give me a second."

"You can have all the time you need," Kara promises.

She watches as her girlfriend continues to pace, mouthing words like she's trying to talk herself into calming down. Kara can tell this isn't just about flying. She's nervous about something else too, and it's feeding into her anxiety about flying. Kara hates seeing her like this.

"Lee," she says softly. Lena looks over to see Kara open up her arms.

"I'm not ready yet," Lena admits.

"And I'm not going take off until you are."

Kara gestures with her hands for Lena to come closer and Lena hesitantly complies. Kara wraps her arms around her girlfriend and holds her tightly against her body. Lena relaxes into her touch and lets out a shaky breath, snaking her arms around Kara's waist.

"I'm sorry, it's just really hitting me today."

"You don't have to apologize. Is there anything I can do to help?" Kara asks softly.

"Just hold me for a bit," Lena murmurs.

Kara nods and tightens her arms slightly. Lena melts against her, taking in deep breaths. With her trying to figure out how to propose to Kara, she thinks that her anxiety from that has been transferred momentarily to her fear of flying.

"Okay." Lena breathes out once she can breathe without feeling like there's a weight on her chest.

"Are you sure?" Kara asks.

"Yeah. I'm okay, Kara. As okay as I can be with flying," she amends. "I love you."

Kara presses a kiss to the side of her head. "I love you too."

Kara gets Lena into a better holding position, and Lena knows by now how Kara likes to hold her (bridal style), so she moves with it easily. Kara floats up gently, letting her feet just leave the ground. Lena's arms tighten around Kara but she relaxes after a few moments. She rests her head against Kara's shoulder, looking up at her instead of the ground as they gently float higher. She closes her eyes once she feels them gradually pick up speed, getting used to the now-familiar movements before opening them again. She watches clouds go by for a bit before refocusing on her girlfriend.

Lena knows this isn't the fastest Kara can go, not even close. She's seen Kara break the sound barrier, but she's always more cautious when she has Lena in her arms.


Kara's feet touch the ground once more and she helps Lena down from her carrying hold. Lena stretches out her legs, stiff after a couple hours in the air. She smiles softly when she remembers how she had the urge to drop to the ground and kiss it after her first time flying like this with Kara.

She sees figures moving towards them from the entrance of the castle and knows immediately that it's Eliza and Jeremiah. Someone runs past them and she chuckle to herself, knowing without looking too closely that it's Winn. He practically tackles Kara in a hug. Kara twirls with him in her arms, his feet swinging outwards off the ground. They both laugh delightedly and Lena smiles softly at the sight and sound of their happiness.

Kara puts Winn down and he hugs Lena tightly. "I missed you guys!" He exclaims.

"We missed you too, Winn." Lena says, pulling back.

"Girls!" Eliza says happily, wrapping them both up in a hug. "It's so good to see you again! How is the Luthor Kingdom?"

"Still full of dull politics and ignorant rich people who haven't worked a day in their life," Lena sighs.

Eliza laughs. "Honey, we have those in every kingdom. Including ours, as I'm sure you and Kara will find out."

Lena can see Kara out of the corner of her eye blink in surprise at the very unsubtle implication that Lena may have intimate knowledge of the Danvers Kingdom someday, along with Kara. Jeremiah hugs them next and Lena takes Kara's hand in hers when he pulls back, wanting physical contact with her.

"I would offer to get you something to eat, I know how hungry you get after using your powers, but I think that Maggie and Alex's carriage is coming soon. Lyra should have something waiting for you to tide you over until lunch." Eliza says.

She exchanges and amused look with Lena when Kara disappears almost instantly after Eliza finishes speaking. Kara comes back later with a bowl of donut holes and another full of potstickers. She tries to hold them all with one side, using her arm to hold the bowl against her so she can eat it.

"Darling, let me take that." Lena offers.

Kara hands over her bowl of potstickers, pouting when Lena takes one of her donut holes as she grabs the bowl. Lena pops it in her mouth and is only slightly surprised when Kara doesn't snatch it out of the air.

Lena presses a powdered sugar kiss to Kara's cheek, grinning at the blush coloring her cheeks. "Thank you for sharing, darling."

Kara stuffs five donut holes into her mouth and grins at Lena in leu of answering. Part of one sticks out of her mouth and Lena chuckles softly.

Kara perks up and looks towards the gate. "I can hear them. They're just entering National City now."

"How can you tell?" Lena asks curiously.

"I can hear the carriage, the hooves of the horse, and I know it's them because I can hear their heartbeats."

"You can differentiate between heartbeats?" Lena asks, fascinated.

"Only when I've been around them enough. Everyone has their own beat, but I only memorize the heartbeats of the people I love."

"That's sweet." Lena murmurs, wondering what her heartbeat sounds like to Kara.

Kara smiles and stuffs another donut in her mouth.

Next chapter, Maggie and Alex get back! And we'll have more action coming up, I promise! Thank you all for reading and for your amazing comments! Stay awesome!

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