Chapter 36

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Alex tries not to focus on the fact that her girlfriend is currently on her knees in front of her. Instead, she watches Maggie's serious expression as she carefully looks over Alex's bruised torso. She pokes and prods at the bruise from different angles and carefully runs her fingers over Alex's stomach to make sure nothing's swollen.

Alex has to admit, she's impressed. Maggie seems to know what she is doing, which is more than Alex can say about some of the doctors she has worked alongside.

"Where did you learn how to do this?" Alex asks, breaking the veil of the silence when her curiosity gets the best of her.

"I was on a team once where the captain required everyone in the unit to have basic medical knowledge. He would teach us all during the downtime, and it ended up being a pretty good thing in a particularly nasty fight against a large group of bandits and rogues."

Alex squints at her for a moment, then it clicks. She gasps. "You were one of the Medic Knights? Your unit saved a ton of lives in that ambush."

Maggie blushes. "I've always hated that name. It sounds like 'meta knights,' which sounds too pretentious for me. But yeah, I was. I was the rookie of the team, barely two months into being a knight."

"How long had you been with them when the bandits attacked?" Alex questions as Maggie continues her examination, her movements slower but no less confident.

"Three months."

"Wow," Alex breaths out. "I wasn't there, but I was sent to help with the wounded. I saw the aftermath."

Maggie winces at the memories bombarding her brain. "Yeah, it wasn't pretty. Hey, I could have seen you there. I was a makeshift doctor until they needed us elsewhere."

"It wouldn't be as interesting as our story is now." Alex murmurs. "Plus, I was by no means ready to be out to anyone back then."

"And I was even more of a mess than I am about my parents." Maggie admits. "I guess it's a good thing we didn't see each other until now."

Alex and Maggie exchange a soft look. Maggie's hands rest on Alex's stomach, no longer moving. Alex waits to point this out for a moment, taking the time to revel in their closeness.

"So what's your prognosis, doctor?" Alex asks.

"Not good." Maggie says seriously, standing up. Alex can see the dimples threatening to make an appearance as she schools her expression. "I'm afraid you're severely lacking Vitamin Me."

Alex laughs so hard at the dorky joke that she lets out an undignified snort, which causes Maggie to burst out laughing alongside her.

"And you call me a nerd." Alex teases, nudging her girlfriend's nose with her own. "But really, am I good?"

"Oh, you're amazing." Maggie winks.

Alex huffs, blushing. "I meant the bruise."

"I know, babe." Maggie grins at her. "You're okay. It's going to hurt like hell for a bit and frankly, it's a miracle you don't have more damage, but you're okay. Or you're going to be."

"Good. Now, I believe I was promised something." Alex says.

Maggie catches on immediately and her smile widens. Extra cuddling. She could definitely use that after such an emotionally and physically draining day. "You were. But Allie, please put on a shirt first."

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