Chapter 64

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The police lower their weapons and one steps forward, placing a fist over his heart and bowing to Kara. He stands back up straight when Kara gestures for him to stop bowing.

"Princess Kara. What happened?"

"This man just tried to rob this place with a spear, which he threw at me. He also threatened to kill that pregnant woman over there." Kara explains.

The officer nods. "Thank you. Would you mind passing him over to us? We can take him from here."

Kara nods and releases him, gently pushing him forwards. The man stumbles and is immediately swarmed by officers and knights alike. One cuffs his hands behind his back while another reads him his rights.

"He'll be going away for a long time." The head officer says to Kara as the man is being led away. "Would you mind going over everything with me? I apologize, but I do need your statement."

"Of course," Kara nods. She recounts everything, able to use her good memory to be able to tell the officer how everyone was positioned at different times during the robbery.

"Thank you very much, Princess Kara. This will be very useful. I just have one last question, if you don't mind. I'm more curious than anything." When Kara nods, he continues. "How did you know that there was something going on here?"

"I heard it."

"You heard it," he repeats. "Super hearing, yeah?"

"That is what my cousin calls it." Kara chuckles to herself.

"Thank you again. He won't be seeing the light of day anytime soon, or perhaps ever. He's facing an attempted burglary charge, two counts of attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon, and he didn't have a license to own that spear so he's in trouble for that, not to mention treason and attempted murder of a royal."

Kara raises her eyebrows. "That is a lot. Thank you, officer..."

"Benson, ma'am. It was an honor to meet you."

"It was good to meet you too. Thank you for all you do." Kara gives him one of her infamous smiles.

With that, Kara takes off and continues her patrol, grinning when she hears Benson quietly gasp out "cool."

Her patrol is full of her catching small time criminals, sometimes handing them over to the police. One she doesn't because he was just trying to steal food for him and his family. She gives him a note with the location of the alien assistance center she set up with Alex. He nearly cries when she tells him that she won't take him to the police.

The others that she doesn't take to the police, it's because of an entirely different reason. Since Cadmus crawled out of the woodworks, bigots have been committing hate crimes. Like defacing walls with xenophobic art or words (she spends a lot on paint to fix it) or by bullying or even beating up aliens. Those people she takes to the DEO to be processed. They'll all be interrogated by Lucy (with Lena watching to learn how to do it for later when she and Kara have to talk to the other prisoners) and checked out by J'onn himself to make sure they don't have any information relating to Cadmus.

When Kara gets back, she's pretty tired. She goes to the DEO first and smiles sleepily at the sight of her girlfriend wearing glasses, her hair up in a messy bun, writing something down.

Kara walks inside of Alex's lab and the door shuts behind her, but Lena's too in the zone to realize it. She mutters to herself, something about an equation that Kara's too tired to figure out.

She comes up behind Lena and wraps her arms around Lena's waist. Lena stiffens at first, then melts when she realizes who it is. She grins when she feels Kara's lips press against the exposed back of her neck. Lena turns her head and captures Kara's lips with her own.

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