Chapter 21

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"You have me now," Kara says.

"Thank you." Lena doesn't sound like she believes that Kara means it, which just makes her want to prove it to her. "Are you alright sharing a tent with me? If not, I can always find other accommodations for you."

"It's fine. Um, I have one question though. What did he mean when he said that everyone knows about your preferences?" Kara asks.

Lena purses her lips. "I hoped you wouldn't have picked up on that. It's well known, in the Luthor Kingdom at least, that I am a lesbian."

Hope bubbles up in Kara's chest because whoa, she may actually have a chance. That is if Lena's type is awkward aliens who nearly fly into trees because they see a pretty girl.

"Okay. Is that what he meant? Why would he say it with such disgust, then?" Kara wonders, confused.

"Yes, he meant my 'preference' for women. He doesn't exactly get that sexuality isn't a choice." Lena rolls her eyes but then quickly recomposes herself. "The Luthor Kingdom, as you know, is a smaller kingdom. We focus mainly on technological advances and how to increase our already impressive wealth, not social issues. Not being straight in Luthor Kingdom is still a bit of a taboo. My being a lesbian was a source of great shame for my mother." She says bitterly.

Kara frowns, not liking Lillian Luthor even more now, and holds out her hand for Lena to hold if she wants. Lena looks down at her outstretched hand in confusion and Kara's heart snaps in her chest. Has Lena really been offered so little comfort in her life?

Lena hesitantly takes it after looking up at Kara's eyes and gentle expression. Some tension in her body leaks out at the feeling of her hand being held.

"Are you sure you are alright with my people seeing you holding hands with me?" Lena murmurs quietly. If Kara didn't have super hearing, she would strain to hear what she said.

"Of course!" Kara answers and there's so much conviction in her words that Lena doesn't question it. "Why wouldn't I be okay with it?"

"They might think that you're gay too. I don't want them to treat you any different because of their prejudices."

"Well I'm already pansexual so they wouldn't be that far off. And I'm already an alien so they're already treating me differently because of their prejudices." Kara shrugs.

"Pan... What does that mean?" Lena questions curiously.

"It means that gender doesn't matter, I could like anyone." Kara explains.

"Oh. In Luthor Kingdom, we didn't really have a word for that. That I know of, at least."

"Queen Lena," a guard says as he comes up to them. "Dinner is ready and the tents are set up. Would you like to eat in your tent with Lady Kara?"

Lena looks over at Kara, who shrugs. "Yes I would. Thank you. And could you get us extra food for Miss Danvers?"

He nods and they walk together to Lena's tent where only one bed has been made up. Lena raises an eyebrow and makes a mental note to ask Kara if she's okay with that when they're alone. The guard leaves only to come back a moment later with two plates, one with normal proportions and the other heaping with food. He bows to them and leaves again.

Lena realizes that she's still holding Kara's hand and blushes for the first time in a while. She clears her throat shyly and then sits at the table that they have set up. Kara sits on the other chair and starts eating.

Lena can't help that's she is impressed Kara can eat so much so quickly. Kara's an alien, so it's possible she has a fast metabolism. That wouldn't be surprising, considering her powers and how she has been using them a lot today. But she can't help wondering where it all goes. Kara seems very fit, which is something Lena definitely noticed. She stops herself before she starts drooling over Kara's biceps. Again.

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