Chapter 40

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Kara watches nervously as her girlfriend and adoptive mother make their way back to them. Lena looks calm but Kara knows that she's an expert at hiding her true emotions. Lena raises an amused eyebrow when she sees that her girlfriend is practically bouncing in place with a worried expression.

As soon as Lena gets close enough, Kara blurts out. "So what did she say?"

Maggie and Alex chuckle quietly beside her at her eagerness but she ignores them.

"She gave me a talk that was surprisingly close to what Alex said." Lena says. "Except she did grill me a little bit as well."

"Like mother like daughter." Maggie teases, nudging her disgruntled looking girlfriend.

"Ugh," Alex groans.

Eliza, who has been a few steps behind Lena and heard everything, speaks up. "What's so bad about being like me, Alex?"

Lena, Kara, Maggie, and Jeremiah all laugh at the horrified expression on Alex's face.

"Nothing, Mom." Alex squeaks out.

Eliza's stoic face breaks into a wide smile as she chuckles. "I'm kidding, dear."

Alex pouts for a moment and then grumbles under her breath, earning an adoring look from her girlfriend and a kiss on the cheek. Her eyes go almost comically wide and she blushes.

"As much as I love seeing my daughters with their girlfriends," Jeremiah begins with a soft smile. "We should address Lillian."

Lena purses her lips at the sound of her mother's name and nods. Kara moves closer and holds her hand.

"Jeremiah," Eliza sighs. "These girls just got back from a very long trip that got extended because of assassins." She turns to Lena for a moment. "Thank you for that, we really appreciate you bringing them to us." Lena nods in response and Eliza looks back at her husband. "They need rest, honey."

Jeremiah looks sheepish. "Right. I just really want to catch her."

"As do I," Lena says. "We can discuss my mother tomorrow, after we've all gotten a good nights sleep."

Eliza nods in agreement, refocusing her attention on Kara and Lena. "I don't want to assume, so I'll ask. Lena, would you like a room of your own or are you going to be sleeping with Kara?"

Kara lets out a startled squeak at the question while Lena blinks in surprise, both of their cheeks tinged pink. She didn't expect Kara's parents to be accepting enough of them to allow them to sleep next to each other, let alone mention it or offer it as an option.

"We haven't discussed it." Lena admits. "Kara?" She turns her attention to he girlfriend, who's shyly fiddling with her glasses.

"Um. If you want, I would love to have you in my room. But if not, that's fine too. I want you to be comfortable."

Lena smiles softly at her rambling girlfriend. "Then I'll stay in your room." She then speaks quieter so that only Kara can hear her. "I would miss sleeping next to you."

Kara's blush deepens and she practically swoons at Lena's words, which Maggie and Alex notice but decide not to comment on.

"Alright, then it's settled." Jeremiah says. "You girls get some rest. Dinner should be ready in a couple of hours. If you don't know the time it'll be done, ask Kara." He winks at his daughter while her girlfriend chuckles. "Love you, kiddos."

Alex rolls her eyes at the word "kiddos" but hugs him and kisses his cheek. It's just such a dad word. "Love you too, Dad."

Kara and Alex hug their parents and kiss their cheeks before saying goodbye and leaving with their girlfriends.

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