Chapter 78

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Kara waits for her group to get ready and pull out their weapons. Once she gets the okay from everyone, she turns back towards the door. She shoves the door and it opens quickly, turning on it's hinges and hitting the wall with surprising force.

Kara can tell immediately that there are more Cadmus people than she expected and braces herself. Something hits her chest, but it feels weird. It doesn't bounce off or explode when it hits her, unlike most things. Keeping a wary eye on the large group of Cadmus agents getting ready to run at them, Kara looks down. It's a black metallic thing and it's stuck on her chest.

She hears a single whistling noise and looks up, automatically moving in the way of an arrow heading towards someone behind her. The wooden shaft shatters into splinters upon impact and the arrowhead bounces back, clattering on the ground.

Kara signals for the others to charge forward, rushing forward herself first. She knocks down Cadmus agents and disarms them. Perhaps that's why she doesn't realize right away that the metallic thing on her chest was emitting a high pitched noise. Kara's sensitive to these kinds of things, so she realizes there's a high pitched noise right away, she just can't tell where it'ss coming from.

She pauses when it seems to get louder, ignoring the Cadmus agent swinging at her. His sword breaks when he hits her with it. Kara pays him no attention and looks around before settling on the metallic thing. She can hear Lena's heart rate increase and can tell her girlfriend is worried about her, but she can't bring herself to reassure her at the moment. She needs to get this thing off of her.

Kara puts her hand on it and pulls hard, but things don't happen the way she expects them to. Instead of being easily ripped off so she could return to fighting, it feels like it's stuck. She pulls hard and everything goes white. It feels like nothing else she's ever felt, white hot agony and she can't control her limbs. Alex had explained this once, what was it called? Electrocution. That's it.

Kara can feel herself falling but can't catch herself. The floor seems hard at her back but she can't focus on anything. Her ears are ringing and the sound of the fight is distorted and garbled. She groans against the pain in her head, fighting against how her head is swimming.

Kara can hear something that sounds like Lena's voice, yelling for her, but Kara can't bring herself to respond.

Lena watches this all happen, watches her girlfriend get hit by that sword as she tries to get the device off of her. She fought the urge to scream, knowing that the sword wouldn't hurt her doesn't make seeing Kara get hit with one any easier. She watches as Kara scrambles to get the device off of her and when her body freezes up. Lena can only watch as her girlfriend falls to the ground, the look in her eyes a scream for help.

Kara convulses on the ground, letting out a heart wrenching groan of pain. Lena lets a single tear run down her face but forces herself to focus on fighting. She won't be of any use to anyone if she just collapses by Kara's side and cries. What she can do is take down the fuckers that hurt Kara.

Lena turns into a flurry of movement, shooting her bow more rapidly than before. Her arrows hit home in the shoulders or throats of Cadmus agents. After a moment of stunned silence, her comrades join the fight. They're more vigorous than before, fighting harder.

Lena goes into what Lex always called "the zone," where nothing matters but shooting her bow. She notches an arrow, draws, and releases at the nearest Cadmus agent. She dodges attacks like they mean nothing, shooting from a kneeling position when she's forced to dodge a larger attack that could have taken off her head.

Finally, she draws another arrow only to see there's no one left to shoot. She slowly lets the bowstring fall back to it's usual position, then returns the arrow to her quiver. She puts her bow onto the holder she has on her back.

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