Chapter 69

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Despite the fact that Kara gets bored halfway through Alex's (very thorough) questions about the armor, she still sticks around and answers them all. Alex gets pretty good feedback and rolls her eyes fondly when Kara cheers at hearing that her questions are over.

"Go change, dork." Alex says, pushing Kara's shoulders lightly. Kara indulgently allows herself to be moved by Alex. "Can you put it back on the mannequin? I have a few things to improve."

"Yeah. And Alex?"

Alex looks up from where she has begun to write down her notes. "Hmm?"

"Please don't stay too late, okay? It's already almost dinner time." Kara pleads.

"I won't. Plus, if I forget, I now have an amazing girlfriend who will bodily drag me from here if I stay too long."

"Damn straight!" Maggie says from the other side of the room.

"More like gay!" Vasquez chimes in.

Maggie laughs at their joke. "I knew I liked you for a reason, Vasquez."

Kara and Alex exchange an amused look. Alex shoos her away and Kara goes into the bathroom only to emerge a second or two later in her normal clothes. She quickly reapplies the armor onto the mannequin.

"I'm going to grab Lena and then some dinner. Love you!"

"Love you too, Kara."

Kara kisses Alex's cheek and gives her a pointed look. Alex huffs, knowing that's just Kara wanting to make sure she stays healthy and actually eats. Alex pretends not to hear the sound of her sister kissing Lena in an attempt to convince her to leave earlier. She's not at all surprised to see Lena and Kara walking out a minute later, hand in hand. Kara's always been good at knowing how to get her way.

Alex jots down her ideas and does some quick rough sketches on a drawing of the armor she has that isn't covered in notes. She notes what needs to be altered or removed and where they are. She doesn't even blink when someone sits down next to her.

Alex gets down her ideas and only when she's satisfied with her notes does she look up. She doesn't try to get in a little brainstorming about how to alter it or anything. She knows that if she goes down that rabbithole, she might lock herself up in her lab for a couple of days straight, running on coffee and the food an exasperated Kara (and J'onn) brings her. Alex really does know, that has happened before. A couple times. Kara hates it, Vasquez and Winn get it, and J'onn tolerates it as long as she's taking care of herself.

She looks up and jumps at the sight of Maggie sitting next to her. Sure, she could tell someone sat next to her. She just didn't expect them to still be there. Alex can't even remember when Maggie sat down.

"Hey," Alex greets.

Maggie's resting one elbow on the lab table, using it to prop her head up as she watched Alex with gentle eyes and a dimpled smile.

"Hey. Am I going to have to drag you out of here?" Maggie asks.

"No, I promise. Just one more thing."

Maggie lets out a good natured groan but the sparkle in her eye tells Alex she doesn't mind. "Oh yeah, what?"

Alex uses one finger to gesture for Maggie to come closer until their faces are inches from each other.

"This," Alex whispers and brings their lips together.

Maggie hums against her lips and draws Alex closer. Eventually, she stands so she can kiss Alex better. And so that she doesn't fall off the stool. Maggie pulls back slightly to pull in a deep breath of air and changes the angle of their kiss slightly, to the delight of Alex. Alex reaches up to cup Maggie's face with one hand and to tangle her fingers in her hair with her other.

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