Chapter 28

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**So much Supercorp ;) you're welcome

The guards swiftly put up some tents and use some ropes to tie some of the assassins' hands together. Kara works on helping the few guards with any medical knowledge tend to the injured. A few assassins aren't very happy to get her assistance, but she brushes off their critical gazes and their hateful words as she works.

Once she's done and everyone's as stitched together as they can be, Kara stands up and brushes off her supersuit.

"Kara," Lena says.

Kara looks over and smiles, noticing that she still hasn't taken off her armor and still has her bow and quiver on her back. Lena eyes the assassins she's standing by with a suspicious, critical gaze.

"Hey," Kara greets her. "How are you doing?"

"I'm okay." Lena answers but it sounds almost automatic. Her eyes trace Kara's body like she can't quite believe that she is here and alright. Her eyes go back to the assassins, who look very interested in what they're saying. "Let's talk in the tent."

Kara looks over her shoulder to see what Lena's looking at and nods understandingly when she sees the assassins sitting on the ground, watching them with rapt attention. She follows Lena as she walks over to the largest tent. Inside, a few guards are moving around the lightweight, transportable furniture that was in Lena's tent before.

The guards bow their heads to Lena and swiftly exit the tent, leaving them alone. Kara shuffles her feet shyly, unsure as to what Lena could want to talk to her alone.

As the tent's flaps swish shut, Lena takes a step forward and studies Kara intently.

"Are you alright?" Lena asks in a timid voice. Her concerned eyes meet Kara's.

Kara reaches out her hands, letting Lena decide if she wants to hold hands or not. Lena immediately takes Kara's hands and entwines their fingers, her jaw clenched with worry. Lena clenches her fingers so tightly that they're a pale white. If Kara didn't have powers from the yellow sun, Lena's grip would hurt her.

"I'm okay." Kara says, hoping her tone is reassuring.

Lena purses her lips and nods. "Do you have any other clothes with you? Would you like to change?"

"No, I'm okay for now." Kara gently squeezes her hands. "So what's wrong?"

"Nothing," Lena answers quickly.

Kara frowns, even more worried now. "Lena, you don't have to tell me but just know that you can tell me anything. Okay?"

Lena nods hesitantly. "Thank you. I just..." She lets out a breath. "I didn't know that you were arrow-proof. I thought-" She cuts herself off.

"Hey," Kara says softly. "I'm here. I'm okay. I didn't get hurt. They didn't have Kryptonite, they couldn't have hurt me."

"You don't know that." Lena shakes her head. At Kara's confused expression, she elaborates. "You don't know that they didn't have any Kryptonite. That crossbow, it's something that only Lex could have built. And everyone knows how much he hates Superman and Kryptonians." Lena grimaces. Just thinking about him hurts. "I was worried that it had some in that crossbow bolt."

"My Queen?" Someone asks from outside the tent, making Lena whip her head around towards the entrance. She drops Kara's hands almost instantly. "I apologize for interrupting, but I have the things you asked for. May I enter to give them to you?"

"Yes," Lena says curtly.

A guard enters and hands Lena the crossbow and the quiver of bolts. She absentmindedly thanks them before they leave, setting the stuff down on the table. She sits in the chair and looks over the crossbow, turning it around in her hands. It's heavier than she expected and more intricate.

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