Chapter 16

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Maggie and Kara come back empty handed. Kara sits across from Alex at the shorter end of the booth. That forces Maggie to sit next to Alex. Kara winks unsubtly and Alex can't decide whether she wants to strangle or hug her sister for this.

"So what happened? Where are the drinks?" Alex asks.

"The bartender will bring them over soon. She's just dealing with an alien that keeps trying to get in her pants." Maggie explains.

Alex looks over and sees a smirking man, the same one that was staring at Maggie when they first came in, leaning against the bar. Judging by the bartender's unimpressed and faintly disgusted expression, his advances aren't welcome.

Alex has an idea that she knows Kara would call stupid and rash, so she looks him over. There are no bulges, no hint that he's carrying a weapon. Though he is an alien, so it's entirely possible that he has powers. She has her sword and her gun as well as Kara and Maggie by her side if this goes sideways.

She grabs the small metal bowl that used to have nuts in it until Kara's vacuum of a stomach got to it. She throws it at him and it arcs perfectly in the air until it hits him in the back of the head.

His head snaps around and he gives Alex a death glare. The bartender leaps easily over the bar and murmurs something obviously threatening to him, her eyes flashing red for a moment. He grumbles and leaves, giving Alex another glare before he walks out.

"Nice shot, Danvers." Maggie remarks, sounding impressed.

"Alex, he could have been dangerous!" Kara points out. "That was reckless!"

"It was," another voice confirms. Alex looks up to see the bartender placing drinks in front of them. "I had that handled."

"You know on this planet, when someone helps you out, usually you say thank you." Alex remarks.

"Thank you, human." The bartender says. "And don't drink your alien friend's drink unless you want to hallucinate or go into a coma for a week."

Alex eyes the blue liquid set in front of her sister warily. "But it's okay for her to drink? It won't hurt her, right?"

"The only thing that will happen to her is that she'll get drunk." The bartender answers.

"I can't wait to see drunk Kara." Maggie says excitedly. "Thank you, M'gann."

Kara squints at the bartender. "The way your name is pronounced is super cool, but it also seems familiar... What are you?"

"Oh my god." Alex says quietly and then speaks louder. "Kara, you can't just ask people 'what are you?' It sounds really rude."

Alex lifts her beer to her lips, surprised by how much she likes it. Maggie does have good taste.

"It's alright," M'gann reassures. "I'm a Martian."

Alex chokes on her beer and Maggie pats her back. Normally, she would be blushing but this is too much of a surprise for her to feel anything other than shock.

"You're a what?" Kara gasps out.

Alex can't tell if her eyes are sparkling like she thinks they are because her eyes are watering a little from the choking.

"You're not kidding, right?" Alex asks when she gets ahold of herself.

She has to make sure. She doesn't want to tell J'onn only to have it be some sort of cruel joke.

M'gann doesn't answer verbally and a red light spreads across her body. She turns into a slimmer, shorter version of J'onn when he's in his Martian form. Even the transformation looks the same.

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