Chapter 18

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Kara watches Alex worriedly as they walk toward the throne room. Her sister is practically radiating nervousness and Kara finds herself having to smile reassuringly at some concerned guards on the way.

She holds Alex's hand, something that isn't very unusual except for the fact that she is doing it to try to calm her sister down.

"Lets do this quick. I have to meet Maggie at the DEO soon." Alex remarks.

Kara is probably one of the few people that can hear the anxiety hidden behind her words. She squeezes her sister's hand gently, careful not to hurt her.

"It'll be okay, Alex." Kara says. "Eliza and Jeremiah will be okay with it."

She would use more words, but Kara knows that Alex would want to tell people herself, so she words what she says carefully.

Alex lets out a nervous breath and runs her hand through her hair. "Have you told them?"

"Not exactly, but they know. They caught me kissing a girl once." Kara answers.

"Do I know her?" Alex asks curiously, noticing the blush on Kara's cheeks.

"Um. Yes. But I'm not telling you who! Besides, it was just that one time. We didn't even go on a date." Alex, distracted just like Kara hoped she would be, pouts at her. "Nooooo, stop that Alex. Okay, okay. Fine. Itwasvasquez." She rushes out.

"What was that? I didn't catch what you said."

Kara clears her throat, silently hoping her friend will be okay with her telling Alex that they kissed. "It was Vasquez."

"What?" Luckily for Kara, when her sister is shocked by something, Alex doesn't yell like Kara does. She just whispers harshly to her. "Vasquez? Like Agent Vasquez?"

"No, her twin sister. Yes Agent Vasquez! Again, a one time thing." Kara says back.

"Okay, we are so coming back to this." Alex points threateningly at her.

"No we won't, you will be too busy gushing about Maggie." She teases, nudging Alex.

Kara mentally pats herself on the back for her brilliant deflection and how she steered the conversation away from her.

Alex rolls her eyes but the playfulness disappears as they stand in front of the entrance to the throne room. Kara squeezes her hand again and Alex takes in a shuddering breath before heading inside, still holding her sister's hand. Alex makes a mental note to thank Kara for being there for her as she walks towards her parents.

Eliza and Jeremiah look up from where they're looking over something at the table at the sound of footsteps. They stand up, straightening their postures as their kids approach them.

Eliza sees the gentle concern on her adoptive daughter's face and the anxiety in Alex's. She steps forward, immediately concerned.

"What happened? What's wrong?" She asks.

"Nothing's wrong," Alex is quick to assure her mother. "I just, I need to to tell you guys something." She is even more grateful for Kara holding her hand because otherwise, she would be pacing right now. She takes in a deep breath. "I'm... I'm gay."

Eliza lets out a small sigh of relief and Jeremiah smiles proudly at Alex. She subtly gestures for her husband to come forward and together they wrap their daughters in a hug. Kara joins in almost instantly and Alex does too after a moment of stunned silence.

"We're proud of you, Alex." Jeremiah says.

Alex's jaw trembles and she looks up at the ceiling, breathing harshly out through her nose as she tries not to let her tears fall.

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