Chapter 4

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Kara doesn't think; she just reacts. She doesn't think of the consequences, of what might happen to her.

The only thing that's running through her mind is that she has to save Alex. The world slows down to a crawl as Kara uses her superspeed and runs in front of Alex, putting herself between her sister and the daggers. They bounce harmlessly off of her raised arms, ricocheting to the ground.

In the confusion, its silent and it feels like everyone is holding their breaths, waiting for something else to happen

Kara, on the other hand, is angry in a way she rarely lets herself be. She scowls at the hooded figure and stalks over to them, pushing back the hood to reveal a dumbfounded white man she doesn't recognize. She grabs him by the ear and drags him back toward Alex, knowing her sister will want to hear this.

Alex has Maxwell Lord by the arm, pressing it into his back and holding back just enough so his arm doesn't break. Yet.

Kara pushes the man, making him stumble while she takes her place next to her sister.

"You tried to kill my sister," she accuses.

The man doesn't confirm or deny it; he just stays silent until he pulls another dagger from a hidden sleeve in his coat.

He moves quickly for a human, thrusting the dagger at Kara's gut. Kara doesn't even flinch as the dagger shatters against her stomach.

"What the-" the guy says.

Alex lets go of Maxwell and cuts the man off with an uppercut to the jaw that makes his head snap back. He drops to the ground, unconscious.

"That's for trying to hurt Kara. Idiot." Alex resists the urge to spit on him.

"What are you?" Maxwell asks, looking terrified.

Alex freezes and pales, looking around, remembering they have an audience. Crap. There are so many witnesses, so many citizens staring at the Danvers sisters. Even J'onn won't be able to cover this up. Shit. Maybe they can say its new armor or something.

Alex mutters expletives under her breath that at any other time would make Kara blush but the intensity of the situation isn't lost on her.

"Princess Kara?" A citizen asks hesitantly. "Are you and Sir Alex alright?"

"We're okay," Kara says reassuringly.

A glint in the sunlight catches her eye and she sees someone who somehow managed to get a gun aiming subtly at them. Before Kara can shoot it out of their hand, they fire and the explosive sound has all of the citizens panicking and ducking for cover.

Kara focuses and can watch the bullet's approach. The familiar burning behind her eyes comes and for once, she welcomes it. She uses her heat vision to disintegrate it midair and then trains her vision on the person who shot at them. His clothes catch fire and he screeches, frantically trying to pat himself out. Some nearby citizens help him put it out before restraining him and bringing him over to Kara and Alex.

"Thank you," Kara smiles.

"We should go back to the castle, Kara. Everyone's going to want to know about this." Alex says.

"Do you need help taking them with you?" A citizen asks.

Kara cocks her head, listening. "No, thank you. There are some guards coming here. They can help us out."

The citizen nods, looking dumbfounded. Alex has to admit, they're taking it better than she expected. Though that could just be the shock. Now that she thinks about it, it probably is the shock. So they should get going as soon as possible.

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