Chapter 152

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It's early morning the next day when Lena and Kara wake up. Kara's comfortable in Lena's arms so she doesn't try to get up, instead yawning softly and snuggling back against her girlfriend more. She closes her eyes and smiles when Lena's arms tighten around her.

They wake up again later, the grumbling of Kara's stomach disturbing their rest.

"I don't want to get up," Kara admits.

"We have to face the world eventually," Lena murmurs against Kara's shoulder.

Kara turns in Lena's arms so she's facing her. She tries to give Lena her best puppy dog eyes, but it's ruined by her stomach growling again. Lena laughs softly while Kara sighs. Lena kisses Kara's forehead and they stay there for another moment before Lena begins getting up. Kara reluctantly does as well and uses her superspeed to get dressed. She rubs at her eye, yawning again.

Kara sits on the bed and watches with thinly veiled interest as Lena walks around their room naked, looking for her armor since they plan on training later.

"Kara, can you see my-"

"It's where it usually is, Lee." Kara answers.

Lena nods and heads over to the dresser she uses solely to keep her armor in. She wasn't sure if she put it there or in one of the drawers of another dresser with the rest of her clothes. Lena glances over at Kara after opening the dresser, smirking when she sees her fiancée staring.

"Don't you have other things you could be doing, darling?" She teases as she pulls out the cuirass.

"Mm hmm," Kara hums. "But I'm enjoying the view."

Lena shakes her head fondly. She may or may not give her hips an extra wiggle when she pulls up the pants. Once she's dressed, she's unsurprised to feel a sudden soft breeze and then the feeling of her fiancée's body presses against the back of hers.

"Hello, my love." Lena says softly, leaning back against her fiancée with a content smile.

Kara wraps her arms around Lena from behind, pressing a gentle kiss to her neck. "Ready, Lee?"

"As ready as I'll ever be." Lena tries to make it sound like she's joking, but she knows that Kara can hear the nervousness in her voice.

"Who do you want to tell first? Or do you want to train or work on our bracelets before we tell anyone?" Kara asks softly.

"No, I think we should tell people first, as long as you're okay with that darling." Lena feels Kara nod against her. "Is there anyone you would prefer to tell first?"

"I think we should tell my mom first. Both to get it over with and so that she can start figuring out how to tell the Kingdom."

"I'm sure Cat will be involved somehow. And perhaps James," Lena muses.

"He would love to draw our picture for the newspaper," Kara says.

"Mm. And I suppose that sooner rather than later we should have a meeting with your parents after we tell them so we can figured out what this will mean for our Kingdoms."

"Mm hmm. We're going to eat breakfast first, right?" Kara asks.

Lena chuckles. "Of course, darling. Lets go so you can make a dent in the kitchen's food stores again."


After a large breakfast that Lyra set aside for them, Lena and Kara head for the throne room hand in hand. Kara can tell Lena's nervous again, but not as nervous as she's been recently. Kara pauses in front of the doors to the throne room, gently tugging her fiancée to a stop. Lena looks at her with concern but Kara smiles softly at her, squeezing her hand. Lena smiles back and they nod to the guards, who pull open the doors.

"Thank you," Lena says as they pass.

The guards nod to her and close the doors quietly behind them. Queen Eliza notices them immediately and stands up, her husband rising a moment later. They walk together towards the girls, pulling them into hugs once they're close enough.

"What a lovely surprise to see you girls! How are you?" Eliza asks, smiling warmly at them once the hugging has finished.

"We're good! Actually, Eliza, we have news." Kara fiddles with her glasses automatically, smiling at her adoptive mother.

"Oh? Good news, I hope?" Eliza says, glancing between them worriedly.

"The best news," Kara says reassuringly. She reaches out and squeezes Eliza's hand. She looks over at Lena, who smiles encouragingly at her. Okay, she can tell them. "Lena proposed."

Eliza's mouth drops open slightly but her expression is one of pure delight. "That's wonderful! Congratulations!" She holds out her hand to her husband, who slips a fifty into it. She puts it in her pocket and explains. "Jeremiah thought it would be another month."

"I have a feeling that Alex and Maggie will have a similar response when we tell them," Lena says.

Kara nods in agreement. "They bet on everything. Once, they bet how many drinks it would take to get me drunk. They weren't happy when it was Winn who was right."

Lena chuckles, shaking her head.

"How did you propose?" Eliza asks her.

Kara looks over at Lena with wide, sparkling eyes. "Can I tell it?"

"Of course darling," Lena murmurs.

The four of them walk over to a table where they can sit and talk while Kara launches into the story. She tells it like it was more romantic than even Lena thought it was, and emphasizes how hard Lena worked on writing that poem. Once Jeremiah and Eliza hear that Lena wrote a poem for Kara, they ask her to recite it. It takes Lena a moment to translate it, since she wrote it in Kryptonese.

When Kara tells them that Lena wrote and recited it in Kryptonese, Eliza and Jeremiah both have to wipe away a few stray tears.

"I'm so happy you found someone who would do that for you," Jeremiah chokes out, giving them a watery smile. "Lena, I guess we should officially welcome you into the Danvers family."

I don't know if you guys know this or not, but I want to get a tattoo over the summer! I just went to a tattoo place and talked to someone about the cost and how long it would take, and he said it would take maybe two hours at like 150 an hour... And like, maybe I'm just cheap, but that's so much?? Like at least I have a job now so I'll have money, but I'm hoping that other places I email won't be as much?? Anywho, next chapter they tell Alex and Maggie, and of course J'onn and Winn! Thank you all for reading and for your amazing comments! Stay awesome!

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