Chapter 63

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Kara's eyes water and her jaw trembles with the force of the awe she's feeling when she sees the woman she loves completely bared to her for the first time. Lena shyly moves her hair back behind her ear as she holds herself up over Kara. She notices the tears and is immediately alarmed.

Lena cups Kara's face. "Darling, are you okay? Do you want to stop?"

"I'm fine, Lee." Kara promises. Lena gives her a disbelieving look. "I am. You're just... so breathtaking. Beautiful."

She gently caresses Lena's face and her now blushing cheeks. Kara gently tugs her back down and kisses her reverently. Lena gets lost in their kiss for a while until she remembers that she's naked and Kara's not. Yet, that is.

Lena pulls back slightly so their lips just brush each other tantalizingly. She tugs at Kara's shirt and feels Kara's smile against her lips when her girlfriend realizes her intentions.

Lena starts unbuttoning the shirt, kissing every inch of skin that's revealed. The shirt Kara's wearing is actually Lena's, an old blue plaid shirt she rarely has time to wear now that she's Queen.

Lena's breath had been stolen away after she saw that Kara was wearing it this morning. She kissed her long and hard, trying to pour how much she loves seeing Kara in her clothes into the kiss.

When Lena gets to the last button, she continues her kisses downward, lingering on the space just above where Kara's pants begin. She can hear the hitch in Kara's breath and smirks to herself. Kara gently pulls her up so they can kiss again. Lena complies and pushes the now unbuttoned shirt from Kara's deliciously strong shoulders. Kara hums against her mouth and sits up slightly to take the shirt off the rest of the way, leaving her bare from the waist up (she hadn't wanted to put on a bra or anything this morning).

Lena's fingers trace Kara's abs, keeping her touch light and marveling at how the muscles flex as she shivers at Lena's touch. Lena pulls back to catch her breath and kisses Kara's neck, pausing for a quick second to bite her lip when Kara lets out a surprised, shaky moan.

She laughs to herself when Kara flips them over and eagerly rids herself of her pants. Lena pulls back to look down between their bodies, taking in the almost unreal looking, chiseled muscles and the softness of her body. When she makes her way all the way back up to her girlfriend's eyes (after lingering at Kara's chest for a beat longer than necessary), she sees that Kara's blushing harder than she has ever seen her.

Lena reaches up and cups Kara's jaw (she really loves her jawline) and smiles softly.

"You're stunning, darling." She breathes out, knowing Kara can tell how much huskier her voice is now. "I love you."

Kara's answering smile could light up all of the Danvers Kingdom. "I love you too, Lee."

Lena kisses Kara again and gasps when she lowers herself until her body is pressed up against Lena's.

After checking in to make sure Kara's okay with what's happening, Lena slips her hand between their bodies. She has a feeling that Kara will feel more comfortable if she goes first.


Kara's a fast learner, just like Lena knew she would be, and their first time turns into their second, and eventually their third... They end up staying up rather late. Lena's in awe of Kara's stamina (she's the one that ends up passing out).

They both wake up tired the next morning, which is saying something in Kara's case. Lena's sore, but a good kind of sore.

"Can't we just stay here all day?" Kara asks, her voice muffled by the pillow her face is pressed against.

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