Chapter 61

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"Alright, so what did you find out at Lion Castle?" Winn asks after clearing his throat awkwardly.

"The areas underground are all lined with lead. I memorized the layout of what I could see, which was everything except for one room above ground. Lena and I think the one above ground room that's lined with lead is Lillian's room."

Winn pushes over the blueprints to Lion Castle and Kara quickly looks over them, marking the room's location with a pen that Vasquez tosses her.

"Do you happen to remember the terrain around the castle? That would be useful to know." Winn says.

"Yes I do, actually. And Lena, I'm assuming you know the terrain as well?" Kara asks, turning to her girlfriend for confirmation.

"Yes. I scouted the area multiple times so I know the terrain very well. I will know the more general areas around it, which may be helpful in figuring out where to stay when we are launching our attack. Kara will probably remember better than I do what it's like directly around the castle." Lena admits.

"Awesome, thanks. Oh! And can you two look over the blueprints sometime? Make certain that all the entrances and stuff are on here?" Winn questions.

Kara and Lena nod. "We can do that in the morning, after we've had a good night's sleep." Kara answers.

"Okay, good. What's next on the agenda?" Winn asks.

"Crossbow progress," Alex chimes in.

She's pretty much recovered from how her sister and her sister's girlfriend got out of a dangerous situation because the guard thought they were some "adventurous couple" there to... Ugh, Alex can't even think it. She's scarred for life.

"How far has your team gotten, Sir Alex?" J'onn asks.

"We're pretty much done figuring out how it works and why, as well as what pieces it needs. We just need some time to work on building and testing upgrades, as well as time to replicate enough for our archers and knights that prefer long-range weapons." Alex answers.

"What do you need to finish?"

"Some lab techs that you can spare, and eventually we're going to need wood carvers and smiths."

J'onn nods. "That's doable. Keep me updated."

Lena hides a yawn behind her hand as the conversation pauses for a moment.

"Is there anything else we need to discuss today? Or can we come back with fresh eyes tomorrow and make a plan?" Kara asks.

J'onn looks over the table at everyone. "No, get some rest. You will need it. We will reconvene in the morning and make a tentative plan."

Everyone nods their assent and gets up, leaving the room one at a time. Jeremiah and Eliza stop in front of Kara and Lena before they go. They take turns hugging them both.

"Get some sleep, girls. From what I've heard, it doesn't sound like you've had much. And that's an order." Jeremiah says the last sentence in a way that makes it seem like he's teasing, but at the same time completely serious.

"We will, I promise." Kara says, kissing her adoptive parents' cheeks before heading out of the room.

"It's just past noon, darling." Lena points out as they're leaving the DEO.

"And you're practically dead on your feet. You need sleep, Lee, and so do I. It doesn't matter at what time."

Lena stifles another yawn, blinking tiredly. She gives a resigned sigh and holds Kara's hand. Her yawns slowly get more frequent as they near Kara's room. Lena tries to help when they're in Kara's room by attempting to put on her pajamas, but she just ends up putting on some of Kara's old clothes that vaguely resemble what she brought for pajamas. As in, instead of her nice nightdress, she's wearing an old short dress that Kara hasn't worn in years.

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