Chapter 157

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Maggie and Alex spend their day asking around and talking to aliens. Despite their best efforts, they didn't manage to get much new information. They have a few leads that didn't pan out, but they do have a few people that may be potential suspects. That's more than Alex expected when they started talking to the aliens. Understandably, they're wary of the government, even with people who are outspokenly pro-alien. Not to mention the fact that it's hard to imagine a loved one or friend willingly helping out Cadmus sympathizers, a group whose entire goal is to rid the world of people like them.

Their most promising lead is one they got unintentionally from an old lady who saw them waiting on a doorstep for a small Saturnian family to answer. She told them that she hadn't seen the family around for a week or so, which is unusual. She shrugged it off and said that she thinks they're on vacation, but Alex and Maggie exchanged a knowing look. They looked into it, and it seems like that family just vanished into thin air as far as everyone knows. They got a description of the family from their neighbors so that they can keep an eye out for them the next day.

Other than that, they really didn't find much. As expected, but still disappointing.

Alex and Maggie head back to the DEO to tell J'onn what they found. Inside the DEO, Lena and some of their best strategists are standing together at a table, presumably running over their plan and trying to find any and all flaws. They head straight for J'onn where he's sitting at another table, sketching out faces alongside Kara, who's using her superspeed to replicate a drawing set next to her multiple times.

"Hey!" She says, sparing them a quick glance before turning her attention back to her drawing. "How'd it go?"

"We didn't find out much," Maggie answers. "We found a couple of possibilities, but only one is notable enough to look into. A whole family practically vanished overnight. No one knows where they went. I think that even if they don't show up tomorrow, we should still look into it. People don't just up and disappear like that."

J'onn looks at them and nods. "I agree. Did you get descriptions?"

"Yes sir. I'm not an artist by any means, so here are my notes." Alex says, handing it over to him. She waits as he skims them quickly.

"Saturnians," he murmurs. "You know, it is thought that their race descends from clones of Martians." He clears his throat softly and looks up at them again. "Thank you. This will help. Kara and I will work on this as well. Now go and get ready, and get rest before tomorrow."

Maggie and Alex both nod. "Yes sir."

J'onn gives them a small but warm smile before getting back to work.

They head into the castle, heading first to the kitchens. They grab food and then make their way to their room. They spend the next hour or so in silence, eating, inspecting their armor, and cleaning their weapons.

"Can I look at your armor?" Alex asks, breaking the quiet.

It's so sudden that Maggie nearly jumps. It take her a second to understand why Alex is asking this, and once she does it feels like all the tension leaves her body. She smiles at Alex.

"Sure. Can I look at yours too?"

Alex nods and they exchange armor, inspecting them more thoroughly than they did their own, fixing minute imperfections and flaws. Once their armor and weapons are put away and hung up, Alex flops backwards onto their bed. Her lips twitch up into a smile when she hears her wife's huff of amusement before Maggie joins her, curling up against her. Alex moves her hand so that she can gently rub circles on Maggie's back.

"What do you think?" Maggie asks after a moment. "About tomorrow? Are you worried?"

"I think... It's not the most dangerous mission we've ever had. I'm not too worried. About us, at least. We're well-trained, smart, and we know what to do in situations like that. Plus, we know it's going to happen. What I'm worried about is our people. The ones without training, that are going out tomorrow to shop and have fun."

"They'll be alright," Maggie says. She hopes she sounds more confident than she feels. "We'll make sure of it."

Alex nods and presses a kiss to Maggie's forehead. "I hope so."

"We can always look on the bright side, Allie. Like, we know about this. We know it's going to happen. We're prepared, we're not going to be taken by surprise like they hope. We have a lot of good people on our side, as well as some super powered aliens that are going to help us out."

Alex frowns. "Speaking of which... Do you think we should have told Clark?"

"Nah. We have your sister and J'onn. And don't tell him I said this, but if Clark and Kara ever got into a fight, I would put my money on Supergirl," Maggie says.

"Me too," Alex admits. "So. What do we do now?"

"Now, Mrs. Danvers-Sawyer, you sit back, relax, and cuddle with your gorgeous wife."

"Sounds wonderful." Alex says, smiling softly at Maggie. "She is gorgeous. Humble, too."

Maggie laughs and nudges Alex, moving so that she's straddling her wife. She leans down and presses their lips together, both of their smiles making it more difficult. Their teeth clash slightly before they both change the angle and close their mouths slightly so that they can kiss easier.

Alex's hand moves up to tangle her fingers in Maggie's hair, moaning softly when Maggie gently nips her lower lip. They pull back slightly to look into each other's eyes, their faces a little flushed.

"Hey babe," Alex breathes out. "I think I have an idea of what we can do to pass the time."

Maggie chuckles and leans down to kiss her again.

To be honest, I wasn't quite sure if I was going to write today... Despite it being the first day of Pride Month, literally everything I've tried to do today has gone wrong :/ It's alright though, luckily writing this helped bring my mood up! And hopefully this chapter is good haha. Anywho, happy Pride Month! Stay safe, but I hope you guys have fun! I know that I get to see Hayley Kiyoko soon, and I get to take a picture with her,, the woman that I've been crushing on since Lemonade Mouth came out in 2011 lol Thank you all for reading and for your amazing comments! Stay awesome!

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