Chapter 5

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"Who do you work for?"

Maxwell scoffs at her, "Wouldn't you like to know."

"Yes," Alex responds calmly. "I would." She takes a step forward and his back hits the back of his cage in his efforts to get away from her. "So either you tell me now, or you find out exactly what I can do to make you talk."

Maxwell pales and stumbles over, sitting on the bed. "Okay, okay. It was CADMUS."

J'onn and Alex frown and exchange a look. They have never heard of the organization, and it's not on any of their lists of known enemies, at least that they can think of. Alex makes a mental note to talk to Winn after she and Kara talk to their parents.

"Who is the leader of CADMUS?" Alex asks.

Maxwell vigorously shakes his head, looking even more terrified. Alex is almost insulted that there's someone he fears more than her. "I won't tell you, I can't. She'll kill me."

So a woman leads it? Alex makes a mental note of that as well.

"Why does CADMUS want Kara and me dead?" Alex asks.

"You and your family are pro-alien," he states like that explains it all. "You've gone as far as allowing them to live among you, to give them citizenship." Maxwell spits out, his lip curling up in disgust. His eyes go to Kara and he sneers at her. "Though now I understand why. You have your own pet alien."

Alex's jaw clenches and she resists the urge to burst in there and punch him. That's her sister he's talking about.

"I suggest you keep your xenophobia to yourself if you want to survive." J'onn says lowly. "You're only here until we have no more use for you. Then we will send you to a high security prison. And in the Danvers Kingdom, we don't segregate our prisons so you will be put in with aliens and humans alike."

His words make Maxwell blanch and Alex enjoys the horror on his face.

They're stopped from asking any more questions by Vasquez, who walks in hastily. "Ma'ams, the Queen wants to talk to you both. J'onn, she says you're welcome to come."

J'onn nods and they walk out of the room. He gives orders to Vasquez before they leave the DEO to keep an eye on the prisoners. They head to the castle's main entrance, none of them bothering to greet any guards as they hurry to throne room.

They slow down as they near it and Alex silently prays to whatever deity that her mom won't yell at her, even though she knows it's more than likely.

"Alexandra Danvers," her mother's voice booms, echoing loudly.

Alex winces and Kara puts a hand on her back, smiling at her sister comfortingly. She can see the disapproving look from here and it gets worse as they get closer, especially when Alex sees the concern on her father's face. She fidgets nervously with the sleeve of her armor.

"What happened?" Jeremiah asks worriedly from his throne.

Kara and Alex explain with J'onn standing stoically by their side.

"Kara, you revealed yourself." Eliza sighs, leaning back.

"I know, I just couldn't let Alex..." She trails off, looking at the ground in front of her.

"Kara, I would've been fine." Alex tells her quietly. "I'm wearing my armor, it wouldn't have hurt me."

"No Alex, you wouldn't have been." Kara says, her voice wavering slightly.

"What do you mean?" Alex asks.

"They aimed at your head, not your armor. Alex, if I hadn't stepped in, you would be..."

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