Chapter 33

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**Violence and blood!

The Cadmus agents advance on them, failing to seem menacing. Especially since one's limping because of a mouse trap on his foot.

Maggie twirls her swords in her hands, a familiar comforting movement that always grounds her before a battle she knows won't be easy. She may have Alex and a bunch of well-trained DEO agents at her side, but Maggie isn't one to underestimate her enemies. As her old teacher said, it's better to overestimate than underestimate.

Maggie didn't get it when she first started out, but she does now. If she overestimates, she prepares more and is ready for anything they can throw at her. If she underestimates, she gets cocky and sloppy. That's one reason she got knocked on her ass so many times when she first started out. She was an overconfident kid with something to prove, which did help with her dedication.

It's one good thing that came out of her parents kicking her out. Maggie got good at defending herself, relying on herself. But with Alex next to her? Maggie knows that she can depend on her, can trust her with everything she is, and Alex can do the same. And that makes them practically unstoppable when they're together.

Alex and Maggie exchange a quick look and Maggie nods to her. Here, Alex is the senior agent, the one that's more trusted, more looked up to by her fellow knights. Alex raises up two fingers as their enemies slowly and cautiously approach them, wary of more traps. She points at them and the knights rush forward to start the battle.

Alex and Maggie stay side by side, advancing forward. The knights have broken off into teams, most of them partnered up against a few Cadmus people. But there are more Cadmus agents than Alex expected, and they don't have enough people to take all of them on. Not without Alex and Maggie, at least.

As it is, they're up against five Cadmus agents. Plus there are a few out to the side, watching everyone fight. Maggie has to admit that's a smart move, watch your enemy and see how they move, but she has a couple of suckers to punch instead.

Maggie and Alex press their backs to each other as the five agents circle them. Maggie purses her lips, watching them closely. She makes a mental note that if (hopefully when) they survive this, she and Alex will have to train together against some agents sometimes. Fighting Alex has increased her skills, but fighting someone and fighting alongside someone is different and can be hard to get used to. She doubts they'll have much of a problem, but it's always good to be prepared.

The first two rush towards Maggie, evidently growing tired of waiting for Maggie and Alex to strike first. One of them drops to the ground with an arrow in their gut from one of the DEO archers. She doesn't have to look at the person for more than a few seconds to know they're bleeding out. Maggie's grateful she has less to worry about but hopes the archer didn't shoot the guy because they thought she couldn't handle it.

She moves so that she's not too close to Alex. The guy with the broadsword could hit her on accident when he's aiming for Maggie, which she wouldn't be able to live with.

So with adrenaline rushing through her veins, Maggie easily blocks the first sloppy attack. Her swords are crossed above her head to prevent the broadsword from cleaving her in half. The man she's fighting is twice her size and probably on some crazy Cadmus drug to make his muscles almost laughably big. He's strong, she'll give him that as sweat runs down her spine, but she knows she's better.

She stomps on his foot, making him lose his balance from surprise and pain. With him distracted, she pushes harder with her swords to make him stumble backwards. She gets in a pretty good cut to his side but it's not deep enough to be too bad.

He regains his balance and scowls down at her, bringing his sword up in a sweeping attack that would probably decapitate her if she didn't dodge it. While she's leaning back to get out of the blade's way, she kicks upward. Using years of trained precision, she hits him right on his wrist. He howls in agony and she smirks. That move never fails to break some bones.

He can't grip the broadsword properly without causing himself a lot of pain, so he tosses it to the side. The broadsword hits the ground with a loud clatter that causes everyone around them to flinch in surprise. He pulls out a smaller sword, a little bit larger than a dagger with a snarl on his face.

At this point, Maggie's pretty sure he thinks he's going to die here. Which isn't great, because that means he's going to fight as hard as he can to take her down with her. It also means he doesn't have anything to lose. Which makes him especially dangerous.

His bad hand hangs limply by his side as he slashes at her. She leaps and twists out of his way, watching how he moves it. People usually, whether consciously or unconsciously, make a pattern. Since he is a highly trained warrior, it's a bit more difficult than usual to pick out. But she finds it and uses it to her advantage. When he lunges again, she moves to his unprotected side and attacks, aiming for whatever will do the most damage.

Maggie knows Alex wants to keep some of them alive to question, but she could tell from the first strike that Maggie wouldn't be able to do that with this guy. She rams her sword into his side and he makes a gagging noise, blood falling from his lips. He doesn't even bother to wipe it away, just continues fighting. He's weakening, she can tell, but not fast enough. It ends when she slides both swords through his rib cage. He falls backwards to the floor, dead.

That's when Maggie looks over to Alex, who's of course helping another tired agent fight a Cadmus soldier while fighting three others. Maggie rushes over and blocks a sneaky attack that Alex wouldn't have been able to until it was too late.

"Thanks, Sawyer." Alex says, her voice breathy.

"I've got your back, Danvers."

With that, they spring into battle together, their swords moving together elegantly to cut down their enemies. It's an uncommon fighting technique, to say the least. To use it you have to work with your partner, not just next to. Their swords can't touch or their trajectory will change, and there's always the serious risk of accidentally hurting your partner.

Maggie has honestly never been able to pull it off. Until now, at least.

Alex, being the overachiever she is, knocks out two of them and they only give them minor injuries. Maggie glances around quickly to asses how everyone else is doing and is happy by the results. Most of the agents are either working together to take down one last Cadmus fighter or helping an injured person (including Cadmus people).

Alex and Maggie are working together to take down two more Cadmus people, allowing the agent that Alex was helping to sit on the ground, exhausted.  Maggie is the designated distractor, using moves she knows won't hit to bend their opponents to Alex's will. It works better than Maggie would expect and they don't suspect a thing. Or if they did they can't do anything about it. Maggie even is able to see an opening to hit the girl in the head with the hilt of her sword. She crumples to the floor, unconscious.

The last guy they're fighting looks around nervously at his defeated companions, most of them either dead or knocked out. His jaw trembles and he drops his swords, putting his hands up.

Alex and Maggie exchange an unimpressed look and grin when Vasquez comes up behind him to knock him out too. She gives Alex and Maggie thumbs up and a wink, making them laugh and shake their heads.

"You did pretty good out there." Alex says as they patrol around the room, making sure everyone's okay. "I saw you fighting that gigantic guy. I have to admit, I was a little worried."

"Oh really? He was one person. Danvers, you were fighting four people at once." Maggie deadpans. "I was a little worried about you. You nearly got skewered on that one person's sword!"

Alex reaches out and takes Maggie's hand. "I'm okay."

"I know you are." Her eyebrows pull closer together. "But it I hadn't gotten there in time..."

"You did." Alex reminds her softly, squeezing her hands. She smiles and decides to lighten the mood a bit. "You know what today calls for, Sawyer?"


"Extra cuddles tonight."

Maggie's face lights up as she laughs at her girlfriend's response. "Yeah Danvers, extra cuddles."

Fight scenes! Hopefully they're good! And some of you have been asking about when there will be more Supercorp. Answer? Next chapter! :) Promise! And maybe a but more Sanvers fluff after the battle, but if there is more Sanvers scenes we might have to get through some concerned space dad bits first! Thank you all for reading and for your amazing comments! Stay awesome!

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