Chapter 65

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Maxwell Lord sits in his isolation chamber, made of a glass-like substance that's not from this Earth. He is perhaps one of their most dangerous prisoners, so he gets the best of the best.

"Not to seem like I'm not delighted about having the first visitor in months that will look at me, let alone speak to me, but why are you ladies here? I know it can't be my roughish good looks."

Lena and Kara exchange a disgusted look that Maxwell pointedly ignores.

"It's certainly not your looks." Lena says but Maxwell pretends he doesn't hear that. "We want information on Cadmus."

"Cadmus?" Maxwell looks genuinely surprised for a second before a mad smile spreads across his face. "You want to take on Cadmus? Ha! You're crazier than I thought! So why me?"

"Every other Cadmus agent we've captured is useless." Lena answers.

"Of course they are, do you really think Cadmus would be stupid enough to send their smart people into the world? Those are all Cadmus' disposable people, the muscle it can easily replace."

"If you're so smart, why did you get sent back out into the world?" Lena asks him.

Maxwell scowls at the implication that he's not as smart as his overinflated ego says he is. "I'm a nobleman, not just a scientist. If I didn't keep up appearances, people would get suspicious."

"Suspiciously happy." Lena grumbles, making Kara stifle a giggle. "Will you give us information?"

Lena knows that really isn't the best way to interrogate someone, to ask for their assistance. But this is Maxwell Lord, as loathe as she is to admit it, he is smart. He would see through any attempts at deception, and would therefore trust them less than he already does.

"Not to you." Max answers, leaning against the back of his glass cage.

"But to someone, you will?" Lena prompts, recognizing his twisting of words.

He may be smart, but Lena will always be smarter. And more empathetic. In fact, Maxwell Lord is one of the very few people in the world that Lena Luthor is certain she's better than in almost every way. The things he's better at being boils down to being selfish and a douche.

Maxwell smirks. "You noticed that, huh? Perhaps you aren't as dumb as you look." Lena places a hand on Kara's arm to stop her from stepping forward to punch him. "Yes, I will talk to someone. But not you ladies."

"Then who?" Kara asks, clenching her fists.

"Why Alexandra, of course."

Lena pulls Kara from the room before she can do anything stupid, saying "we'll discuss this" over her shoulder.

When they're outside Max's prison's room, Kara breaks. She's so mad and frustrated that she's marching back and forth, speaking in a language that Lena assumes is Kryptonian, or rather Kryptonese, because Lena doesn't recognize any of the words said.

"Kara, honey." Lena speaks softly. She doesn't wanting to startle her or reach out to touch her. She's never seen her girlfriend in this state and doesn't want to touch her without her consent. "Darling."

That nickname snaps her out of it slightly and she stands in place, eyes full of rage but her face is blank. Kara clenches her fists and Lena doesn't flinch when her eyes glow red like she's holding back hear vision.

"Darling, listen to me please. Listen to my voice. Focus on me. You need to calm down, sweetie." Lena urges, keeping her voice gentle. "Can you unclench your hands for me?"

Slowly, Kara's fingers relax and come out of a tight fist.

"That's good, darling. You're doing great. Can you work on your heat vision, love? Your eyes are glowing." Lena points out gently.

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