Chapter 55

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Instead of getting out her worries on a training dummy or some poor DEO recruit, Alex instead focuses intently on the crossbow. And Maggie, being the amazing girlfriend she is, has stubbornly decided to stay by her side, even when Alex told her it would probably be extremely boring to her.

Maggie's response had been. "Danvers, you're always either too sexy or too adorable to be boring. And seeing you nerd out over a weapon is both." Complete with a wink, which ended Alex's protests and worries about Maggie getting bored.

So far, it has been three hours and Maggie's been staring at Alex as she works. It's distracting in the best way. By that, Alex means that she can only hold out for so long before she walks around the table between them and kisses Maggie deeply. Pulling away from her and getting back to work on the crossbow gets harder every time.

That is, until she gets a breakthrough. Alex's eyes light up and she doesn't look up as she speaks. "Can you get me the tiny screwdriver?"

Maggie sets three different screwdrivers in front of her, all with tiny end bits. "You weren't very specific, so here's all of them."

Alex grins up at her and leans over so she can get a quick kiss for motivation to finish quickly. She turns back to her work, swiftly sketching out the crossbow, where she has been noting and labeling each part and where she pulls it out of. As Alex breaks it down even further, she draws specific larger pieces on other pieces of paper as well.

Maggie watches her fondly as Alex grins victoriously when the crossbow is all in different pieces.

"This is what it takes to make a crossbow." Alex remarks.

"Great job, babe." Maggie says, kissing Alex's cheek. "So... Now what?"

"Now I take measurements of every piece and make molds. I'll have to figure out the composition of the metal as well..." Alex muses.

"Of... Every piece?" Maggie questions, her eyes wide.

"Yeah? Why?" Alex asks, confused.

"Babe." Maggie says. She gestures to the large table completely covered in pieces of crossbow, from small screws to the hunk of wood everything was put into. "There are hundreds of pieces here! Who's all going to do this?"

"... Me?" Alex answers, sounding confused.

"Alex, honey." Maggie places a hand on her shoulder and looks into her eyes. "That'll take months! We will probably attack or be attacked by the time you finish."

"You know I'm a perfectionist," Alex says. "I don't want a team working on this, I would just check over their work constantly."

"I know. Then at least let me help." Maggie offers.

Alex purses her lips. "It's not that I don't trust you, babe but... Do you even know how to use a caliper?" She gestures to the tool in her hand.

"So that's what that's called, I always wondered. But yeah, of course I do. I was one of the only ones who knew how to in one of my platoons, let alone the entire company. So they sent me out to investigate claims about friendly fire and stuff like that." Maggie says.

"The Danvers army has unique swords and arrows." Alex nods in understanding.

"Yeah, that made it pretty easy." Maggie nods. "Sometimes I could tell just by looking at it if it was the result of another Danvers soldier or not, but the superiors always liked precise measurements to prove my findings."

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