Chapter 20

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Thanks to Maggie, the day passes relatively quickly and Alex doesn't end up working herself into a worried frenzy thinking about Kara. All day, Maggie has been training with her. When they're taking a break, Maggie makes sure not to let Alex's mind wander and they end talking about everything and nothing. Alex appreciates what Maggie has done for her, and she hopes that she can more than make up for it tonight.

Their first date starts in less than an hour and she finds herself missing Kara even more. She isn't there to help Alex. On one hand, Kara can always tell what looks good on her, even better than Alex can. And maybe having her sister around would be good for helping calm the anxiety and nervousness she's feeling.

Alex bounces up and down on her heels as she looks at her clothes, neatly organized by type and color. She rifles through a few sweaters, wondering what Maggie would like to see on her. Alex keeps glancing at her clock until even she is annoyed with herself.

She chooses (finally) and changes quickly, and then looks at herself in the mirror. She's not wearing what Kara would suggest for a first date. Kara always encourages her to wear dressed on first dates but Alex rarely feels like it on first dates. Today, she's too nervous and the exposed feeling of a dress would make her feel even more vulnerable and shy than she already feels.

Alex nods to herself, and grabs her gun to for her holster on her belt. If Kara could see her now... Her sister always teases her for taking weapons on dates but they have come in handy. Maybe not against aliens or any hostile citizens, but against unwanted advances they are very effective. She figured out early on, back when she was trying to convince herself that she liked men, that when they know she's carrying a knife or a dagger, her dates are a lot less handsy. Not that she wants that with Maggie.

Alex tugs on her favorite leather jacket to top it all off and lets out a shaky breath. She glances at the clock again and nods, mentally psyching herself up for this. It's getting close to seven thirty, the time she and Maggie agreed that Alex would come get her.

Alex walks outside, taking the long way to Maggie's room, both to get fresh air to calm herself and to pick Maggie a fresh flower from the gardens.

She knocks on Maggie's door and hears a quiet bump and her swearing quietly inside. Alex's lips turn up into a smile that widens when Maggie answers the door a moment later.

Just the sight of Maggie, in front of her, staring at her and looking just as awestruck as Alex feels at the sight of her, makes her worries and nerves go away. Because Maggie is standing there, so close she could lean in and kiss her, her lips parted as she takes in Alex.

Maggie has on a white and red plaid shirt with her leather jacket on top and dark jeans that seem painted on. And just that would take Alex's breath away but Maggie's hair is down. It's curled and draped over one shoulder and Alex practically shudders at the memory of how soft her hair feels between her fingers.

And Maggie is looking at Alex like she's the most beautiful woman she has ever seen. Which Alex doubts because she knows Maggie has to have looked into a mirror before. Alex has on her most comfortable, soft gray sweater that dips low enough to show a hint of her collarbones. Like Maggie, she's wearing her leather jacket and dark pants.

Maggie takes that all in and then notices the single flower in Alex's hand as she smiles shyly at her from her doorway. And Maggie can't take not touching her anymore, not being close enough to her. So she leans in and kisses Alex.

Alex isn't as caught off guard as she was for their first kiss and quickly sinks into it. It's slow and sweet and Alex brings her unoccupied hand up and tangles her fingers in Maggie's hair. When they pull back, they're both dazed.

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