Chapter 62

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They all have gathered back in the conference room in order to make plans, though they are all aware that with new information they hope to be getting, their plans may change.

"This morning, Kara and I went over the blueprints to Lion Castle and came to a conclusion about which way to enter is the best." Lena says after the meeting officially begins. "I will walk you all through that decision, so you can understand why we chose it. That is, if it is alright with you, J'onn."

"The floor is yours, Queen Lena." He says, nodding respectfully to her.

"Thank you. This is the main blueprint we used for this, which shows all known entrances and exits. Right here is the main entrance," Lena points. "We could enter there, but Kara and I noted a high amount of soldiers patrolling the area. Casualties would be high."

"We won't do that. I would like a minimal loss of life, none if possible." Queen Eliza says, her eyes blazing.

"That's the reason we dismissed that entrance. I will have every knight I brought on this mission, I would prefer minimal loss of life as well."

Lena nods to Kara, who continues explaining their thought process. "There's another idea we briefly considered, using some of our new technology to blow a hole in the side of the castle to get in. But that's not an option because the noise would be too loud, Cadmus would know exactly where we are and where we entered. Not only that, but they would know we're there. They could start destroying their projects or speed up their timeline. It's too risky, so that was scrapped too."

Lena takes back over. "So the most logical option is to go in through the smaller entrances. There are quite a few. Most were built in case of emergency, and there are some that Kara noticed that are hidden by trees and other natural things. This is our best best. However, infiltrating from one location is difficult and risky, especially in smaller areas like the ones we are going in. So Kara and I determined we should go in through these entrances, using smaller teams. Bombard them from many different areas. If we time it right, they won't know what hit them."

"That is a good idea." J'onn admits, looking proud. "Thank you, Queen Lena and Princess Kara. Is there anything else you can suggest we do with the intel we have at the moment?"

"Yes, actually. I believe we should post some knights outside of the larger entrances and exits to stop Cadmus people from fleeing."

"We can do that." J'onn says, then begins distributing work. "Alex, Maggie, Winn, and Vasquez. Get back to work on the crossbow. Lena, Kara, keep working on the plan. Look at the blueprints, look into hate crimes, interview the Cadmus prisoners. Kara, patrol and look out for Cadmus. They've been suspiciously quiet. Everyone, keep your ear to the ground. We need to be careful and vigilant."

They all file out, wishing each other a quick good luck before getting to work. Alex and Maggie head back to their lab with Vasquez and Winn. Kara and Lena head to the main part of the DEO in order to get a list of the Cadmus prisoners and their records.


By the time Lena and Kara get back to their room, it's late and they're both tired. But being in Kara's room, it's the first time they've managed to relax together since they left. Well, they had yesterday/last night but they were so exhausted neither of them could enjoy it.

As Kara shuts the bedroom door behind them, Lena gently presses her hands against Kara's shoulders. Kara goes with it and allows herself to be pushed back against the door. She cocks her head to the side, giving her girlfriend questioning eyes.

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