Chapter 129

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While Maggie finishes the last few things that need to be done, Alex sets the table. It all feels very domestic, and Alex loves it more than she ever thought she would, which is saying something. She loves hearing Maggie hum along to whatever song is in her head as she moves around in the kitchen, looking for bowls and glasses. Alex finishes setting up before Maggie's done with making dinner, so she leans against the island and watches her work with her head propped up on her hand.

"Enjoying the view?" Maggie asks, not looking behind her at Alex as she stirs the macaroni and cheese.

"Very much," Alex admits, sounding distracted.

Which she very much is, distracted. Maggie's whole body moves with the force she's stirring with, and her butt looks fantastic in her suit pants, especially when it's moving around like that. Alex bites her lower lip, thinking about how she can't wait until she gets her wife (Gods, she loves she can call Maggie her wife now) in bed with her.

Maggie turns around and gives Alex an amused look when she sees her eyes snap up to her face. Alex grins sheepishly but unashamed at her leering. Maggie shakes her head and scoops the macaroni into two bowls, steam billowing out from it. There's enough for another meal, so Maggie puts it in the large Tupperwear she found while she was looking for bowls.

"Babe, can you find us some wine?" Maggie asks.

"Of course," Alex answers.

She pushes off from the island and looks around, opening cupboards where she would put wine if she lived here. She eventually finds it in one of the closets attached to the entryway. One has hangers for coats, the other has a wine rack. Gods, Alex loves this place. The only way it would be better is if it had a wine cellar. With an area for beer and spirits, which Alex wouldn't put past her parents. She'll have to explore sometime.

Alex heads back to the kitchen with a bottle of wine from a brand they both like. It's not as expensive as some of the ones in there looked, but it's one she knows they both like. She heads to the wine glasses Maggie got out and carefully pours the wine.

Maggie gets them both glasses of water as well, and then she starts to bring everything to the table. Alex helps once she's done pouring. Once Maggie places the last thing, a bowl of peach slices, she feels Alex wrap her arms around her from behind.

Maggie leans back against her, smiling proudly at the dinner. Alex presses a loving kiss to Maggie's neck and then pulls away, not wanting them to get too distracted. They have to eat in order to have the strength they need for their wedding night. Alex doesn't plan on having it end until one or both of them passes out.

Alex grabs a lighter from a drawer and lights the solitary candle in the middle of the table. She puts the lighter back away and then smiles at her wife.

"Now it's perfect."

Maggie nods and kisses Alex's cheek when Alex pulls out her chair for her. "What a gentlewoman," Maggie murmurs.

She grins when Alex's cheeks turn slightly pink as she sits down across from her. "You're the one wearing the suit."

"You're the one that loves me in this suit," Maggie shoots back.

"Babe, I would love you in a cardboard box." Alex says and smiles when she sees Maggie swoon. "But yeah, you look hot in that suit. I can't wait to take it off of you."

Maggie smirks. "Me neither. But babe, you're not tossing this on the ground like you usually do, okay? We're hanging this up. And your dress. It's what we got married in, and I don't want it to get wrinkled."

Alex sighs but nods. "Okay. Now can we dig in? I want to see how your macaroni and cheese is."

"It's better than yours was, it's less burnt." Maggie teases and Alex huffs, pretending to be annoyed but the grin on her face gives her away.

Alex takes a bite of the mac and cheese and her eyes widen. She looks at Maggie like she's some kind of cooking goddess.

"What the actual heck? This is the best mac and cheese I've ever had!"

Alex scoops more of it into her mouth and Maggie laughs at her wife's enthusiasm. She takes a bite and hums. Dang, it is really good. She's glad her cooking skills didn't fail her on her wedding night. Dinner goes by quickly, with not much small talk between the newly weds.

Alex and Maggie work together to wash the dishes afterwards, with Alex washing and Maggie drying. Once everything is put away, Alex turns to Maggie.

"Sooo..." She draws out the word. "It's our wedding night."

"Yes it is, you dork." Maggie says fondly.

"Um. I just don't want you to feel like we have to do anything. Because we don't! We can cuddle in bed or I can read a book to you, I could make a fire and we could snuggle in front of it." Alex takes a breath. "I just want you to know that we have options. We don't have to do anything, especially not if you don't want to."

"I know, sweetie." Maggie murmurs, cupping Alex's face with one hand and smiling softly. "You know you couldn't make me do anything I don't want to. And thank you, Allie. It's considerate of you to say that, and I want to say the same extends to you. But, as long as you're okay with it, I would be more than happy to do you."

Alex flushes pink but smiles at Maggie. "If there's anything I want to do right now, it's you."

Maggie chuckles and pulls Alex in for a brief but bruising kiss. When she pulls back, Alex's eyes are still half-closed.

Maggie tugs on her hand. "Now show me to the bedroom. I don't know my way around this place."

Okay, it's NEXT chapter that we'll get to the good stuff (maybe? I've found that I draw things like this out...)! Guys, so I'm competing for the Tae Kwon Do club at my school in a scrimmage in two weeks and guess what? The only form I learned I can't use for competition! 0.0 So I learned a whole new form yesterday that I need to memorize within two weeks! Anywho! Thank you all for reading and for your lovely comments! Stay awesome!

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