Chapter 53

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"That is cool," Lena admits. "Perhaps if we have time when I come back you and Vasquez can talk to me about the science behind it."

Winn gasps excitedly, his eyes sparkling. "That would be awesome! I love that I have a new nerd friend aside from Maggie and Alex! You don't seem like you'll punch me like they do."

"You love it, nerd." Maggie says, lightly punching Winn's shoulder playfully, her dimples on display as she smiles.

Winn just grins at her but doesn't answer. He turns back to Lena and Kara and hands them the cloaks. He and Vasquez beam proudly as they take off their backpacks to put them on first. As soon as they're on, the cloaks turn a mixture of gray and black, the exact colors of the floor and walls around them.

Lena raises her eyebrows and studies the material, fascinated. Kara's hand on hers snaps her out of her daze. She smiles at her girlfriend, then refocuses on the people around them, who luckily look more amused by her curiosity than anything. Vasquez steps forward first to say goodbye.

"It's been nice to have you around, ma'am, even if we haven't met officially." Vasquez says politely, sticking out their hand.

Lena smiles and shakes their hand. "Thank you. Maybe when we get back we can talk more."

Vasquez's smile grows. "I would like that. Um. I have a lot of work to finish up. Is it alright if I hug you before I go?"

Lena nods and the hug is brief but not stifling or unpleasant, which is more than she can say about most physical "affection" she has received in her life. Vasquez hugs Kara next and murmurs something to her that makes her beam.

Vasquez squeezes Kara's arm before leaving, and then it's Winn's turn. His lower lip is wobbling and his eyes are shiny. Lena ignores the tears that streak down his face when he hugs Kara.

"Be careful, okay? The world needs you. We need you." He mumbles to her, but they're so close to Lena that she can hear him perfectly. "Both of you."

Lena's so surprised by his addition that she would startle if she weren't frozen with shock. He's worried about her. Kara's adoptive brother is worried about Kara and her. Not just Kara. It's almost baffling, for these people who she hasn't even known a week to care so strongly about her... She mentally shakes it out, not wanting to get caught in a spiral of guilt and self-hatred.

Winn also asks Lena's permission to hug her, which she appreciates to no end. She doesn't particularly like hugging many people, mainly because she doesn't like feeling trapped and hugs always seem to be given to Lena by people who want something from her. But these people, Kara's family, who have welcomed her into their group without much protest despite her last name... So no, Lena doesn't mind hugging them. She feels safety in the hugs instead of the threats or other motives.

Winn hugs her and promises to talk to her more about each other's work later. He scurries off to the side after that, attempting to discretely wipe the tears off of his face. It doesn't work and Maggie subtly hands him a tissue.

J'onn approaches them next and he goes to Lena first. She straightens her posture and looks into his eyes, refusing to appear intimidated. J'onn's lips twitch up for a millisecond, almost too quickly to see, then stay flat.

"Take care of her, Miss Luthor." He says in his gruff, almost fatherly voice. He doesn't spit out her last name like it's poison on his tongue.

"I will," Lena promises seriously. She would protect Kara with her life.

J'onn's face gentles and he smiles at her like he's heard her thoughts. Wait, he's a Martian so he might have. Lena tries not to panic at the thought. She's not comfortable with anyone looking through her mind. Especially her girlfriend's space dad.

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