Chapter 42

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Alex stares at the crossbow in awe. She reaches out without looking away, patting her sister's arm. "Kara, go get Winn. He's going to want to see this."

The whoosh of air tells an enraptured Alex that her sister's gone to do just that. After what seems like just a few seconds, she's back with an annoyed sounding Winn.

"Seriously, Kara?" Winn complains. "I was in the middle of transcribing something. What's so important that you didn't wait to explain before you picked me up bridal style and carried me to your room?"

"Winn," Alex's serious voice cuts him off. She drags her eyes away from where she's been examining the crossbow.

"What? What's wrong?" Winn asks, panicking.

"Nothing. Get over here."

Winn nervously does what Alex said and looks in the box, where her gaze is once again trained. His eyes widen and his mouth drops open.

"Dude," he breathes out. "That's so awesome! How does it work? Does it have an automatic reloading system? Does it-"

"We haven't looked it over yet." Lena says. "One of the assassins that tried to kill Kara and I had this."

"Dang. Who made it, do you know?"

"Probably Lex." Lena answers, trying to hide the fact she feels a hole in her chest that aches whenever she thinks of him. "It looks like something he would design."

"How would you..." He turns to look at Lena and blinks. "Oh. You must be the elusive Lena Luthor."

He sticks out his hand and Lena shakes it after a moment of hesitance, not used to this kind of reaction to meeting her.

"And you're Winn Schott. I've heard a lot about you." She replies politely.

He grimaces. "I hope you've heard good things. I know a lot of people still don't trust that I'm not my father."

Lena chuckles. "Trust me, I know the feeling. And no, nothing bad. It's Kara that has told me about you, and she doesn't have a mean bone in her body."

"She really doesn't. So why were you talking about me?" Winn asks curiously.

Lena glances over at Kara, who nods. "She's my girlfriend, so she told me about her friends."

Winn chokes on nothing, his eyes bugging out. "Girlfriend? You're gay too?"

"Pansexual," Kara corrects. "But yeah."

"Alright. Okay. Then I'll have to introduce myself again. Hi, I'm Winn and if you hurt Kara, I'll... Do... Something bad!" He threatens.

Lena uses the skills the Luthors have taught her in order to keep a straight face. "I wouldn't expect anything less. I can't promise I will never hurt her, because that's not realistic, especially with our families. But I can promise I will never hurt her on purpose."

Winn nods. "That's all I ask. Welcome to the crazy Danvers family, Lena."

She smiles and ducks her head slightly. "Thank you. And it seems that except for J'onn, I've met everyone in the Danvers family. Now, shall we take a look the crossbow?" She questions, changing the subject.

"Yes!" Winn pumps his fist in the air.

Lena chuckles and carefully pulls out the crossbow, setting it down on the table beside the box. She takes out the bolt and sets it away from the crossbow. Kara hands her a notebook and a pencil. Lena gives her a swift kiss and murmurs out a thank you.

She opens up the notebook and keeps open on the first blank page. As Alex and Winn study it without touching, she starts sketching the crossbow from different angles.

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