Chapter 31

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If the guards, nobles, and prisoners notice anything different about Lena and Kara's interactions, they don't mention it. Kara rides on the same horse she first used and stays next to Lena the entire time that they ride.

She uses her super hearing to listen for anything out of the ordinary, but nothing stands out. They move slowly on the road, forming a protective circle around their prisoners. None of them try anything and Kara hopes it's because they're scared of her and Lena and not because they want to be taken to the Danvers kingdom for some nefarious reason.

When Kara's not listening out for something bad, she's listening to Lena. They don't talk about things at quite the depth they did in Lena's tent. They don't talk about their families or anything too deep. They talk about little things that make the people around them roll their eyes and give each other knowing looks. Like when Kara said her favorite color is green and Lena said her favorite is blue; everyone who heard it aside from them realized it was because that's the color of each other's eyes. And they don't notice because they're too focused on looking at each other like the other placed the stars in the sky for them.


Once the guard bows to Alex and leaves, Alex rests her head on Maggie's shoulder and lets out a breath. Maggie's fingers automatically reach up and run through her hair calmingly. Alex relaxes further against her, letting her mind process what the Luthor said. Maggie stays where she is, continuing to play with her girlfriend's hair in silence.

"Do you think she was telling the truth?" Alex asks.

Maggie thinks for a moment, trying to get the right words. "I think so. She has nothing to gain by lying; we would find out if she did in a few days anyways."

Alex takes in what she said and nods against her shoulder. "You're right. But if Kara has so much as a scratch on her, I'll inflict the same on Lena tenfold. Queen or no Queen, alliance or no alliance."

Maggie chuckles. "I wouldn't expect anything less, Danvers. Now come on, we have a big day tomorrow. We should get some sleep."

Alex nods and yawns, only then realizing how tired she is. She lays herself back on her bed, eyes closed. She peeks at her girlfriend when she hears her laugh.

"Babe, you need to get in your pajamas and brush your teeth." Maggie reminds her.

Alex groans and reaches out to grasp Maggie's wrist and pulls her down to lay beside her. Maggie lets herself fall and chuckles to herself, brushing some strands of hair out of her girlfriend's face. Alex hums happily at the touch and Maggie practically melts at the sound.

"Alex..." She murmurs.

"No, just let me sleep." Alex grumbles.

If Alex were more awake, she might be surprised by how vulnerable and open she's letting herself be. Alex rarely lets herself whine or complain or grumble like that, but Maggie... Maggie makes her feel safe and loved and important and like she's finally enough. Being open, being exposed, being less than perfect doesn't scare her very much when she's with Maggie.

"I will, I promise. But you have to do this first. I don't think sleeping in your tactical belt is particularly comfortable, Danvers." She taps the belt and Alex lets out a drawn-out sigh.

Alex's eyes open all the way to see Maggie lying right next to her, facing her and holding out her hand. Alex places her hand in Maggie's and her girlfriend beams, dimples on display. Maggie gets out of bed, moving slowly enough for Alex to easily follow in her tired state.

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