Chapter 7

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*By a nearly unanimous vote, it's official! Alex knows she's gay, but hasn't told anyone

"You and Alex are going to be partners." J'onn says in his usual no nonsense voice.

There's a moment of silence as both knights process his words in disbelief.

"Seriously? J'onn I don't need a babysitter," Alex says, crossing her arms. She glances over at Maggie, who looks just as unhappy as she does. "No offense, Sawyer."

"None taken, Danvers. I don't do well with partners."

"My decision is final." J'onn states clearly, giving them both a hard look. "Sir Maggie, the DEO works differently than you are used to. Alex can show you the ropes. And Sir Alex, you were nearly killed today."

"Nearly," Alex points out but goes quiet when she sees the worry in his eyes.

"Maggie can keep an eye on you, watch your back." J'onn continues. "Just like you will watch hers. Again, this is not up for discussion. This is your only option unless you want to stay on desk duty, Sir Alex."

Alex sighs. He knows how much she hates being cooped up in the lab. Not being able to patrol or fight bad aliens is like torture to her.

"Fine. You in Sawyer?" She raises an eyebrow at her new 'partner.'

"I don't have much of a choice, Danvers."

Maggie's smile has returned and Alex has to focus on breathing to make sure she doesn't make a fool of herself. Not again, at least. Alex gives her a small smile back and knows Kara is definitely going to ask her about why her breath keeps catching and why her heart skips a beat a few times. She is really not looking forward to that conversation.

"Good," J'onn says. "I know you well after all of these years working together, Alex and from what I have heard of Sir Maggie, you should work well together. Now get some rest, the three of you. We will undoubtedly have a busy day ahead of us due to Kara coming out as an alien." He smiles at Kara, taking the edge out of his words. "Head to dinner, I will be there shortly."

"Yes sir." Alex says, noticing how late it is.

The high up windows in the DEO's main room has the last bits of the sunset shining through them. Dinner is probably nearly finished being cooked. Luckily for Alex, since Maxwell is no longer their guest, she doesn't have to wear anything fancy.

"Dinner," Kara gasps. "Good, I'm starving."

"You're always hungry," Alex teases her.

"I have a fast metabolism," Kara pouts at her amused sister. "Now come on, let's head to the dining room." She starts practically skipping towards the door with Alex trailing behind her. She stops and looks back after a few steps. "Sir Maggie, are you coming?"

Maggie blinks, surprise evident on her face. "Uh, yeah. I just wasn't aware I would be eating with the Royal Family on my first day. I would have worn something nicer."

Alex looks Maggie over as subtly as she can, taking in the leather jacket that fits her shoulders perfectly, her soft gray shirt underneath it, and her jeans that Alex has to look away from so she doesn't stare.

Alex wants to reassure Maggie but she doesn't trust her voice quite yet. She might say something stupid like "holy crap you're gorgeous" or "fuck I'm so gay." That second one worries her more than the first because she's never told anyone that. Not even Kara. But that might change tonight and that makes the anxiety in Alex's stomach bubble up to the surface.

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