Chapter 35

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Maggie and Alex walk towards the Danvers Castle hand in hand. They're stopped by one of the guards and Alex looks at his familiar face with confusion.

"Sir Alex, Sir Maggie. You're wanted by the Queen in the Throne Room." He says, his eyes shining sympathetically.

Maggie gives him a confused look. Why would he be sympathetic? Alex's face pales and she slowly continues walking, a lot more slowly and hesitantly than before.

"What's going on?" Maggie questions. "Why does your mom want to see us?"

"I may have not told her that I was going on this mission." Alex admits.

"Alex!" Maggie groans. "This is going to be the first official meeting that we're having with your parents since we started dating."

"Oops?" Alex says, wincing. "Sorry Mags."

"It's alright, Al." Maggie sighs and gives her girlfriend a smile, knowing she didn't mean to do this. "Now let's go get yelled at by your mom."

Eliza and Jeremiah are sitting on their thrones as they walk into the Throne Room. Eliza stands and rushes over when she sees them.

"Alex! Thank the Gods you're alright." She breathes out when she stops in front of them, running her hands over Alex's armor. "Are you hurt at all?"

"I'm okay, Mom."

Maggie gives her an unimpressed look, remembering how Alex was in pain as they walked here. Alex gives her a pleading expression and Maggie gives her a small nod. If it turns out to be a big injury, she's definitely telling Alex's parents. But if not, she will probably keep it to herself.

Jeremiah comes over and hugs Alex, keeping his arms loose like he knows she's hurt but won't admit it. He steps back and Alex braces herself for the incoming scolding.

"Alexandra Danvers!" Eliza snaps, making Alex flinch. Maggie winces in sympathy. Oh, full name. That isn't good. "You went out on a dangerous mission where you could've been killed and you didn't tell me!"

"Sorry Mom." Alex apologizes, avoiding her mother's eyes.

"You will tell me next time Alex, or I'll make sure J'onn puts you on desk duty for a month." Eliza threatens.


"Alex," she cuts her off with a stern look.

"Fine," Alex relents. "Okay, I will."

Maggie squeezes Alex's hand, reminding her that she's there for her.

"Sir Maggie." Eliza says and Maggie's heart shoots up to her throat. She hopes she doesn't look as alarmed and surprised as she feels. "You'll do the same, yes? I want you both to let me know when either of you are about to go on a dangerous mission. Okay?" Alex and Maggie both nod mutely. "Good. Now Alex, go on to your room. I'd like to speak to your girlfriend."

Maggie's heart beats faster, fear and worry filling her mind. Alex stays where she is, giving Maggie a worried look. Maggie can't tell if it's because she's about to talk to her mother or if she's concerned about Maggie and the fear Alex definitely can see.

"Go ahead, Alex." Maggie says, her voice barely louder than a whisper. "I'll be okay."

"Are you sure?" Alex asks, rubbing her thumb across the back of Maggie's hand.

Maggie nods in response, not trusting her voice. Alex kisses her hand softly and squeezes Maggie's hand one last time before letting go. She walks out of the Throne Room, looking over her shoulder at them every couple of steps.

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