Chapter 82

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"Lillian Luthor is dead, and I'm the one that killed her."

"You... What?" Alex says, baffled.

"Damn, Lena." Maggie sounds impressed.

"How can we know you are telling the truth?" Someone asks. "You are a Luthor. Luthors are notoriously good liars."

Lena says quiet, knowing that there's nothing she can say that would make them change their minds about her. If she were to insist, she may be taken even less seriously, and have more suspicion laid on her.

It's Kara who speaks up. "You guys trust me, right? Well, I was there with her. I saw the whole thing."

"That's awfully convenient." Someone nearby grumbles, and murmurs arise in the crowd.

"I'm serious, I was there. Lena, she-she saved my life." Kara says with more than enough conviction to make everyone pause their skepticism and take in her words.

"Kara Zor-El Danvers!" Alex's booming voice makes Kara wince. "You almost died and you didn't tell me?"

"Oops?" Kara squeaks out. "It slipped my mind?"

"You forgot that you almost died?" Alex asks incredulously.

"Um. No? But I did forget to tell you. It wasn't the number one thing on my mind." Kara admits.

"That's even worse!" Alex sighs exasperatedly. She takes a feel breath and it fails to calm her, but she manages to calm her tone. A little bit. "What happened, Kara?"

"Um. So don't freak out-"

"It's a bit late for that, Little Danvers." Maggie points out.

"I know." Kara grumbles, then continues. "There was Kryptonite, and she had a gun and she threatened to shoot Lena and-"

"Hang on, Kara." Alex holds up a hand. "This isn't something that can be easily deciphered from your rambles. There was Kryptonite, but why would that matter? You have your crown thing for a reason."

"Yeah, and it works. Uh, unless it's hit with a large surge of electricity. Then it goes a bit wonky." Kara explains.

"And..." Alex prompts.

"And I got hit by electricity." Alex begins pacing and runs a hand through her hair, letting out a big breath. "I'm fine, Alex!"

"You almost weren't!" Alex snaps, stopping in order to point a finger at her sister angrily. Her voice comes out shaky. "You almost weren't." She resumes pacing.

"Al..." Kara sighs. She should just continue. "Cadmus hit me in the chest with this weird device that latched onto my armor. That's what zapped me. After it did that, it fell off. I think. I wasn't very conscious at the moment. So Lena kicked Cadmus' butt and then woke me up. Once I was feeling okay-ish again, we started moving. A smaller group of us, because Lena and I wanted to go to Lillian and knew you would need backup. The people we didn't feel we would need, we sent to you."

"Kara..." Alex purses her lips. She hates the thought of her sister being less protected because she thought Alex would need a couple more bodyguards.

"Please, let me continue. We found Lillian's room, and Lena and I went in-"

"Sorry, but just you and Lena?" Alex asks.


Alex lets out a flurry of curse words that makes the people, aliens and human alike, blush. Maggie calms her slightly by taking her hand.

"Listen to what she has to say, babe. You can yell at her for her dangerous decisions later." Maggie murmurs. "When we aren't surrounded by people we're supposed to be rescuing."

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