Chapter 144

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Lena knows she's tense in Kara's arms but she knows that she won't be able to relax. But she soaks up her girlfriend's warmth and in the comfort of being in her arms. It doesn't alleviate much of her nervous, but it does help.

Lena appreciates Kara's silence, she's not sure what she would say if her girlfriend were to ask what's wrong. Kara seems to understand that without her having to tell her and just holds Lena tighter. Lena closes her eyes and pulls the covers up so it covers both of their shoulders. Despite the fact that Kara doesn't feel the cold and that Kara's heat will make Lena too warm to keep the covers up this high later in the night. But for now, she likes it this high. She feels like she can block out the world like this, able to just spend time with Kara and cuddle.

Kara presses her body against Lena's back as Lena turns onto her side, moving one of her arms so that Lena isn't lying on it. Lena cuddles back against her and Kara presses a gentle kiss to the back of her neck.

"You're going to tell me what's gotten you this tense, right? I know you're not ready now, but will you tell me sometime when you are?" Kara asks softly.

"Yeah, I will." Lena squeezes Kara's hand gently.

Kara presses another kiss to the back of Lena's neck. "Thank you. Love you, Lee."

"Love you too, Kara."


Lena and Kara are eating breakfast together in the kitchens like usual when Alex and Maggie walk in. Kara beams at her sisters and Lena manages to give them a smile that doesn't seen pained, but she can feel her stomach roiling just at the sight of Alex. She already had "the talk," she doesn't want to have another one. The first was bad enough, even if Alex was nice to her right afterwards. Gods, this reminds Lena of how nervous she was when she was about to meet the Danvers family for the first time.

"Hey Kara." Maggie says conversationally after she and Alex say down to eat with them. "What do you think about spending time with me in the DEO today?"

"Sounds great!" Kara says enthusiastically. Lena can tell how excited she is to spend time with her new sister-in-law. "Are you coming with us Lee?"

"Nah, Lena and I have something of our own to work on," Alex answers. "Right?"

Lena nods wordlessly, smiling softly at how Kara's practically bouncing in her seat.

They finish up their breakfast and then wait for Kara to finish hers. Lena automatically gives Alex an amused look when Kara uses her superspeed to get another helping and eat it very quickly. The four women split into the couples so that they can say goodbye, at least for a little bit.

Kara can tell that Lena's nerves are worse. She would be able to tell even if Lena's face didn't give everything away, because Lena has a big appetite usually (not as big a Kara's of course, but big for a human). But today she mainly picked at her food and gave Kara what she didn't nibble at.

Kara tugs her close and holds her tight, feeling Lena relax minutely. She pulls back just in time for her hearing to pick up Maggie telling Alex to "be gentle with her" and to "not scare the poor thing, she's already terrified." That makes Kara nervous about what Lena and Alex could have to talk about or do that would require Alex to be gentle an would terrify her girlfriend.

She meets Lena's eyes and sees the love in them. She sees nervousness and a bit of fear, but not enough that Kara is worried that Alex is doing anything dangerous with her. If Kara had to guess, she would say that Lena's being forcefully yanked out of her comfort zone in order for her to talk about something.

Lena leans in and brushes her lips against Kara's and Kara, despite her surprise, practically swoons. She leans forward too and gently pulls Lena tighter against her body, their lips moving softly together. At least until Lena pulls back with a yelp. Kara's ready to punch whatever made her make that sound, only to see her girlfriend glaring at a smirking Alex with her finger outstretched. Oh. She must have learned one of Lena's ticklish/sensitive spots and poked it.

Maggie begins pulling Kara out of the kitchen when Lena begins stalking towards Alex with a glint in her eyes.

Alex dodges her first couple attempts at poking but misses it when Lena brings in her other arm to help. Alex yelps when Lena's pointer finger digs into her side. She squints at her and scowls.

"Watch it," Alex says. Lena just smiles at her, feeling her nerves swiftly return. "Hey, don't worry about it Lena, you know by now that I don't bite. Lets go to the gardens, we can talk there."

Lena nods mutely and follows her, neither bothering to make small talk. The guards hold the doors to the palace garden for them and Lena thanks them softly.

"You know this is where Maggie proposed to me. That spot right there," Alex points out.

"And where you made Kara cry by singing in Kryptonese. You have a beautiful voice, you know."

"Pfft." Alex waves her hand dismissively, blushing. "Hey, that's an idea! Speak Kryptonese when you propose to her!"

Lena chokes on nothing. "You know? Are you... Are you okay with it?"

"I wouldn't be here to help you figure out how to propose to my sister if I weren't." Alex shrugs.

Lena's mouth drops open in surprise and she lets out a soft "oh." She breaks out into a small smile.

"Yeah. I want to surprise her. Do you have anything I could use to learn Kryptonese? I only know a little bit."

"Not everyone can learn French in two weeks like Kara," Alex jokes. "But yes, I have a notebook full of words you can borrow."

Next chapter, more talking! And for those of you worried about the angst I mentioned, I just meant like physically fighting bad guys! Not like angst within the couples! Now I'm off to go buy a charger (taking time out of my study day for my Psych exam tomorrow :/ ) so that I can actually charge my phone... Ugh. Thank you all for reading and for your amazing comments! Stay awesome!

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