Chapter 60

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Despite Alex's impressive work ethic, Maggie has managed to get her girlfriend to bed at pretty good times. Even earlier if she seduces her. Those are the nights that Maggie really enjoys. Spending time with her girlfriend who somehow, miraculously, loves her too. The fact they're spend time together in bed certainly doesn't hurt, especially since Alex is such a fast learner.

Maggie has really been enjoying these past couple of days, working together with her hot nerdy girlfriend, Vasquez, and Winn. They've made a lot of progress, and she enjoys spending time with people she's starting to consider family. But Maggie's favorite time is whenever she's alone with Alex. Whether they're in bed, cuddling, eating, or whatever. Maggie's never been so happy to just exist with someone.

Tonight, it's just a week before Kara and Lena are supposed to come back. Alex has been stressed all day, feeling like they haven't done enough, haven't accomplished enough with the crossbow. So instead of letting Alex work herself to the bone, Maggie pulled her away from their work early so that they can cuddle and talk it out.

So here they lie, in the room that was once just Alex's and is now theirs. Cuddling on the bed, where Alex is snuggled up against Maggie, lying on her side with half of her body draped over Maggie.

"I just feel like we should have been able to get farther. We still have to figure out the upgrades and test them, and produce more crossbows with the upgrades..." Alex trails off with a sigh.

"Alex, sweetie." Maggie murmurs, gently placing a finger under Alex's chin so she can move her face so that Alex is facing her. "We have a team of four people, three of which are certified geniuses." Alex opens her mouth, probably to tell her that Maggie's really smart too, but Maggie shushes her. "Shh. I'm smart, I'm not a genius like you, babe."

Alex grumbles a disagreement, which Maggie ignores in favor of continuing.

"Four people have gotten as far as we have. Sweetie, when it was just us, we managed to categorize and make a blueprint of the entire crossbow. That's impressive. It would take a normal team of twenty people a week to do what we did in a couple of days." Maggie says passionately. Alex mumbles something that she doesn't catch. "What was that, babe?"

"I said that I liked working with you. I like working with you," she corrects herself.

Maggie's answering smile makes Alex grin dopily at her from where her head's resting on Maggie's shoulder. "Like I said, Danvers. We make a good team."

"We really do." Alex agrees, earning a quick peck on the lips from Maggie.

"We have done a lot with the crossbow, babe. More than I expected, and we still have like a week to figure the rest out. Unless they're early," Maggie amends.

"Do you think they'll be early?" Alex asks.

"Your sister is super fast." Maggie deadpans, bursting into laughter when Alex gives her an unimpressed look.

"That was terrible, Sawyer." Alex says, unable to stop her lips from twitching up into a small smile at Maggie's proud look.

"But you're smiling and not worrying." Maggie points out.

Alex chuckles and leans in to kiss her girlfriend deeper.


It's the next day and they're all debating upgrades when Alex's sixth sense starts tingling (Kara calls it their sister-sense). Alex's head whips up and she looks through the windows of the lab and nearly chokes on nothing. Maggie automatically looks up when she hears the noise, looking at Alex's usual spot worriedly, only to see that she's already halfway out the door of the lab.

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